Cochlear processor retention methods

I have only been wearing my Cochlear Nucleus 8 for two weeks since switch on, and am already absolutely delighted how much I can now hear.

My biggest problem is retention method. I am using a Cochlear Snugfit, but it does not feel secure and I have occasionally knocked it off accidentally. There doesn’t seem to be one right position which it will consistently go to and feel right. I don’t think the shape of my lobe is very compatible, although at my switch on appointment the audiologist was happy. It maybe a matter of bending the snugfit appropriately.

I believe you can have skeleton earmolds made to locate the processor like a hearing aid, and also glasses attachments.

What are others experience of this aspect?


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The length of your coil wire plays a big part on putting the processor where it should be.
When these coils and wires are new it takes a few weeks for this wire to settle in where it will be. Try to make sure this wire is not twisted.


I am totally agree with it. Wear on sound processor on ear, adjust your SnugFit and then attach your coil magnet considering not twisting the cable.

Here are the official retention options that Cochlear has for the N8. there are many other non official ones.

  1. Snugfit: helps tighten the sound processor on the ear, especially for active adults and children. The Snugfit comes in three convenient sizes to fit your ear (small, medium and large). What you have. If you have an attached earlobe, I have heard it doesn’t work as well.
  2. Koala Clip: clip-on retention device for babies and younger children. Can also be for adults and can clip into hair.
  3. Safety Cord: provides a convenient way to ensure your sound processor doesn’t get lost if it comes off your ear. Doesn’t help keep it on.
  4. Safety Lines & Safety Line Hair Clips: Reduce the risk of losing your sound processor. These are a great option to provide the extra security you need when on the go. Used for the Aqua
  5. Earhooks: comfortably secures the sound processor to your ear. Young children may want to try the “small” earhook for comfort. We offer a variety of earhooks for your specific need. May need a different size ear hook if too tight or too long.
  6. Hugfit™: helps secure the sound processor on even the smallest of ears with a soft, flexible tube. Similar to the Snugfit
  7. Pediatric Headband: an optional accessory that holds the sound processor in place off the ear.
  8. The Cochlear Earmould Adaptor allows you to attach a custom earmold to your sound processor as an option for children or those who are comfortable using an earmold, such as former hearing aid users. (Note, the custom earmold is not supplied by Cochlear.) If you are wanting to use a skeleton earmold, you will need this to attach the earmold tubing to.

I find the koala clip helpful to clip in my hair when wanting the processor to stay put while doing heavy exercise or if my ear is sore. Otherwise I use a headband or the ear hook. I don’t use the snug fit because I find it uncomfortable and it doesn’t hold on much better than a earhiook. Hope that helps


Thanks @studio.prawns_0q . Very useful. I note the list doesn’t mention the glasses attachment method which my audi mentioned.

I am experimenting with bending the snugfit effectively making it smaller, and think that might work. I was supplied with large and medium.

I was hoping people who use the earmold adapter or spectacle attachment might chip in, although I realise all ears are different.

I haven’t heard of the glasses attachment. I would be quite curious to see what it is like. I wonder if it is something like this.

Or something like this

Or this

Thanks again @studio.prawns_0q !

I like the look of the Ear Gear ones. I would prefer to have ears and eyes independent but have recently got now glasses which I wear all the time so would probably work.

Could you show us a picture of you from the side wearing your CI?
We might see something that would help you.

Thanks @Raudrive.

This is how I have it at the moment, after bending the hook to make it smaller and it has felt quite good so far. The view more from the front shows that the lower end of the hook is not where my lobe meets my head. Nor is the processor at the top. Maybe this doesn’t matter.
Any comments welcomed.

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Thanks for the pictures.

The hook typically does not go into the ear.

The snug fit almost looks too small. It could be pulling down on the processor. This might actually try to pull the processor off your ear???

The wire on your coil looks good, not twisted. It will start setting a memory of that position and fall into place easily.

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This is the core of the problem. If the snugfit is adjusted so it is not pulling at all, the processor is just resting in position, and bottom of the hook moves around, and all feels insecure, but if it is much shorter it starts to feel a bit sore at the top. Even when shorter it doesn’t pull it off my ear.

So I think it is a matter of adjusting to find the Goldilocks adjustment by trial and error.

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When I wore the N7’s I only used the earhook on the processors, no other devices. When and very seldom the processor came off my ear it stayed on my head due to the coil/magnet.
I do wear glasses all waking hours. I have worn the K2 processors for about 2 years now. Off the ear processors are nice.

My Nucleus 8 is the property of the NHS, and it is a requirement that I have at least one method (in addition to the ear hook on the processor) at all times, and two when doing physical activities and sports.

Snugfit, hugfit, earmold, glasses, safety straps, toupe tape are listed as acceptable methods. I plan to use a safety line clipped to collar as my second method.

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@boreham In addition to these retention methods mentioned by @studio.prawns_0q you can also use “Wig tape”. This is what men use to stick their toupee onto their skin so it doesn’t blow off.

I’ve used a snug fit for several years with the N7. Now that I have a N8 it’s a better fit, still not perfect. It’s not good enough not to need a retention aid though. I now use the hug fit. I find the hug fit is the best option for me.

Thanks @Deaf_piper. How does the hugfit accommodate different sized ears? It elastic, or adjustable in size, or supplied in different sizes?

I have these but don’t use them. They pull the glasses into a weird angle with the processor side higher than the non processor side. Might be better if you have bilateral processors.

My Snugfit is probably about the same size as yours. I use it only when running. I give the lower hook end a much sharper bend than that to grab a little harder to the earlobe. It still comes off it I whack my head on a tree branch though.

Thanks @bcarp useful info. I don’t do running but I do bump into trees sometimes when walking.

I have ordered a size L hugfit from Cochlear. The sizes go from L, M, S, XS, XXS, so aimed at children but catering for adults too.

Nucleus 8 Hugfit

@boreham the hug fit comes in different sizes. XS- L. They are made from silicone (I think) and they are stretchy so they can fit on easily.

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Thanks @Deaf_piper . I have ordered a size L from the Cochlear store.

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Hi, I have now received my hugfit and after two days like it a lot, but it has prompted me to wonder if I had the snugfit correctly set up.

The hugfit is very lightly stretched all the time and holds the processor in the same place consistently. Not in enough tension to cause any discomfort.

I had the snugfit set so there there was no tension in it…it just hung off the processor.

Should the snugfit be adjusted so that it is in very light tension when everything is in place?
