Cochlear Nucleus 8

I’m having issues with my N8 in sound quality, it’s very high pitched in sounds.
The clarity of speech without my HA is just a whole pile of high pitched jumbled sounds. I can understand some of the speech but no where near all of it.
Bluetooth is dropping in and out intermittently while streaming music and during phone calls.
Sometimes bilateral streaming N8 comes in 20 seconds later.

My AuD didn’t do a mapping, she just copied from my N7 map to new N8.

Do any of you IT knowledgeable people have any suggestions please?

Ssa just posted about mapping his new N8 and got much better sounds.
Maybe you just need to go through mappings again.

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I’m going to have to go back to the care center and get my issues addressed properly. I hate going into the city though.


Yeah, the map is a little bit off with the N8. the conversion process is not perfect. I do not see any issues with my buetooth connection except when walking with it,. My resound cuts out too which does tell me it isn’t specific to HA or CI…

I went through initial N7 conversion(had it own set of problems), update electrode without measuring C/T (even more problems), and a revised map with C/T measurement taken, this took like 3 month to resolve…


I’ve just got back from my appointment at Cochlear. As some of us thought my streaming problems was because my devices hadn’t been “linked” at all. They had just been paired. Fingers crossed it’s all fixed properly now. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: If this doesn’t fix my streaming issues it could possibly be a faulty N8.


I think, using a cochlear implant then there will be no more problems in hearing,

How we wish. There are a lot of moving pieces in the machinery. A lot to go wrong. A lot of work needed to train/retrain the brain. Wish the technology was a magic bullet.


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I kind of think it is magic.
Get the evaluation, get the surgery and just like that you are hearing again.

I know there are many many things in-between that make CI a little scary. It’s not as chancy as some think.

The nucleus 8 is smaller and lighter. I believe the Bluetooth is better than the N7, at least I hope so. My N7 streaming can break up at times. I think it’s from having the TV on streaming and looking at my phone at the same time. Getting notifications and other stuff from the phone.

Got to rambling, sorry.

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I’ve had my N8 for 4.5 weeks now and I’m still having streaming issues. Both phone calls and music when being streamed are cutting in and out. Or the N8 just has a lag of 10-30 seconds before it starts to stream. These issues are intermittent, and I never know when it’s going to happen. The speech is a bit echoey as well.

I can’t switch back to my N7 as it’s not linked or paired anymore to my devices.

Does anyone have any suggestions on these problems please?

Or does it mean I need to go back to Cochlear?

I have a similar issue with the streaming. Half of the time it will only stream to one processor with the other connecting a minute or two later. Or when I turn Bluetooth off and on again. Still doesn’t work if I put the phone to my non streaming side. It also sometimes cuts out if phone is on opposite side and streaming. After I went for the latest mapping the streaming issue of only streaming to one side has happened less often. But I am getting my second issue more often. Hopefully all our issues get solved soon.

I have not have this issue with with my n8 and my “unsupported” (as cochlear called it) android phone.

This is on iOS?

You probably got a firmware update during the map, mine got updated as well

Yes, I did but only for one side.

They should do both sides… firmware get updated as soon as you get it plug into computer running the CSP software… you can exit the CSP without writing anything to the MAP.

@ssa yes this is on iPhone 13. I didn’t have any problems with this iPhone 13 and N7.

Is it possible I have a faulty N8?

I will get the updated firmware at my next appointment. Only one processor got connected.


No, it is more likely a faulty firmware which does not communicate with the phone bluetooth stack…


Do you have a different phone you could try?
Or have you hard booted your phone?

In the Nucleus Smart app there is a place to check for updates. Have you checked to see if you have updates available?

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Something just thought of would be to do a chat with Cochlear. Results might be immediate.

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Raudrive I don’t have another phone to try, other than iPhone 4 which is too old.
I have rebooted my phone that many times it’s not funny.
The app tells me the firmware is all up to date.

I was in at Cochlear with this problem on 6/4 they were hoping they had fixed it. So it looks like I need to ring them for an appointment tomorrow to ha back again.

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