Carrying batteries

It surely work by turning down(3 click) the volume, hoping the battery will last at least 6 days, instead of twice a week. Carrying extra batteries in a plastic case and placing it by itself in my purse small pocket provide easy access (instead of digging it through). I also check the battery expiration which is 9/16, therefore it depends in the environment am in.
Did some research on battery but not sure if Renata is an HP battery.

What size battery do your HA’s use?

My HA battery uses size 312. HD fine tune it today by increasing the volume in LF and decreasing in HF.

with the price of 312 batteries… turning the volume down to make them last a little longer seems extreme.

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In response to the original question, I give my patients keychain battery caddies to carry spare batteries. Not a plug for my site, but here’s a picture so you can see what I’m talking about:

Just pull out the plastic handle, and there’s a compartment for 2 batteries.

wouldn’t it be pretty simple to tear the top tab off at the perforation and stick the batteries in you pocket or purse?
oh, and the sponsor of this site has #90 312 batteries for $29.

I personally don’t see why people wouldn’t just want to carry them in the packaging they come in? For me it’s done already which = done!

i have a holder on my key chain (it holds two batteries) for when on goes dead usually when i am with a group of friends. I got it free from Icell batteries that i bought online from amazon.

if you’re a guy, the battery packaging is cardboard and easily bent in which batteries comes loose in the pocket. Go get a 2 battery keychain holder, cheap and worthed when your needing the batteries. It’s always on the keychain and never have to grab it daily to put in your pants pocket.

My wallets (domestic and travel) have a coin pocket. I keep a round pack of eight in there. It adds little to the width of the wallet. Coins go in my coin pocket.

Yep that is where I care my batteries too, I use the power one batteries and they come in a 6 pack that is a small cardboard pack.

I keep two batteries in one of the credit card slots in my wallet. I keep the stickers on, and arrange them so that they don’t touch each other. Worked well in the last 10 years.

I keep a keychain holder with a separated compartment to carry two batteries. I also keep a small wheel pack in my laptop bag and also a wheel pack in my desk at work.

I keep two batteries in my laptop backpack and other two in my car. But, I also carry best ear muffs 2017 – top quality best ear protection review here. That’s it. Although, i always carry a tactical flashlight with me too. You can check review here.

I carry a tab of batteries in my billfold.

I keep a 4-pack in my billfold.

My guess is that you live in a humid region where covering the air holes at night retards the electrolyte gel from becoming too wet and reducing battery life.

6 years and still going…

I keep them in the packet they come in and store it in my purse. I use Power One which have the tabs built into the packet so can not store them any other way. :slight_smile: