Canada Disability Tax Credit

Does anyone know anything about CRA’s Disability Tax Credit for hearing imparement (Form T2201 E (23) ? Pages 1,2,3,6 & 16 pertain and it says "A person may be eligible for the DTC if they have a severe and prolonged imparement in physical or mental functions resulting in a marked restriction. Goes on to say what a marked restriction is. Even with my aids I find many instances where I am still unable to understand conversation; especially restaurant type situations, in proximity to noisy a/c & exhast fans, people not facing you while talking and my grand-daughters high frequency voices (just to mention a few)
Any feedback appreciated especially where it asks " the level that best describes your patients hearing loss in each ear (norm 0-25db, mild 26-40, mod 41-55, mod to severe 56-70, severe 71-90 & profound 91+ db)

Yes, the criteria are vague and the form requires an audiologist to confirm that your hearing loss affects your ability to function even when wearing hearing aids. If you can handle a one-on-one conversation in a quiet environment with your aids then you do not qualify. Difficultly hearing in noisy environments does not qualify. You need your audiologist to certify that your disability is affecting your earning potential, despite wearing hearing aids. Anything short of total deafness will probably not apply.

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The criteria has not changed with the new forms.

You are eligible if, with your functioning hearing devices, listening to a familiar speaker in a quiet environment takes you three times longer than an average listener.

The new forms also asks for aided thresholds, which hasn’t been a standard audiological test for decades, as well as aided binaural WRS at no particular level. Typical of the government to not actually consult any hearing healthcare practitioners when making up the new form. :roll_eyes:


Thanks for the feedback. Although Gilbert’s point regarding ability to work is not clear as the form states “Eligibility, however, is not based on the patient’s ability to work, to do housekeeping activities, or to engage in recreational activities”
Also Neville could not find the part in the form related to “aided thresholds”; is that the " best describes your patient’s hearing loss in each ear" portion ?

Yeah, question 1 is “indicate the option that best describes the patient’s level of hearing loss with any applicable devices”.