These are Resound Preza from Costco. I’ve seen others similar to this from Phonak. Theses are hard acrylic (i think) molds called “encased mico-mold”. I think they are comfortable. My right was perfect from the start. The left still needs a bit of adjustment (i go backmthis week) but I can wear them 12+ hours. There are a variety of materials used. I had a minor skill allergic reaction to the black domes. Had no trouble with the clear ones with my old aids.With my previous aids I actually used 2 different sized domes (right ear canal smaller) and 2 different brands. However, new aids didn’t have the option of the same itty, bitty receiver and I had lost more hearing.
Go back to Costco and tell them your problems… You don’t want domes or molds that barely fit you will have feedback problems.
I have returned 4 RICs to Costco over the last 6 years- these will be my 5TH!!! Have had the same horrible problem- the receivers hurt my ears, my canals swell-up, I cry. The only person who was able to help me was a Doc of Audiology, at Kaiser Hospital, Portland, Or, when I had good health ins. She managed to fit me with these 13yo Oticon Deltas.
Maybe I need to resign myself to big ol’ ugly BTE HA’s with tubes that look like a sewer system on my ears- sorry, I’m an artist and are aware of how these things look- like the pipes below my kitchen sink. I wear glasses too and have thin, fine hair- not a good combination for a woman who needs to hear. YIKES. UGH…
So I can get BTE’s that just skim the ear canal?
Could you share your audiogram?
You might be surprised about BTE aids size now. They are not much bigger than RIC aids when they have the 312 batteries. Then you can put slimtubes on them and they become very descreet.
Take a look.
Have you actually seen modern BTE aids with slim tubes?!?! I think you’re very out dated!
@williamshetty and @Raudrive (Rick) are giving good advice on BTE devices.
If your overarching priority is to treat your hearing deficiency, I would think that how your devices look would be a matter of secondary importance.
Properly fitted, full ear molds, according to what several respected members have said, are comfortable and are also much superior to domes, from an acoustical standpoint.
Thanks… It has just taken me 13 years and 5 returned Costco RICs to realize that BTE’s are the only style I can wear from here on. I hadn’t bought any HA’s for 2 1/2 years, waiting for the KS10 to come out- (found out they were huge, rechargeable), bought these 312 Rextons 2 weeks ago. These Rextons are killing my ears. I also think I have a metal allergy to the metal receiver. My ear canal skin swelled-up and I couldn’t even wear my old HA’s. I bought a Pocketalker in desperation. So now I have to go back to Costco tomorrow, tell the tech I need to return these and get BTE’s instead. She is going to ban me from ever buying HA’s again- this is what I’m afraid of.
[EDIT to address your core issue:]
@hilary , if it’s being black listed by Costco, as opposed to the look of BTE HAs that’s the issue, I’d listen to @Raudrive (Rick’s) advice, below. I’d like to vouch for what he’s said about Costco, but I personally have never done business with them, so I can’t agree nor disagree with him.
I would 100% trust what Rick has said about BTE devices with slim tubes, if I were in your shoes. You’ve been a member here for way longer than I have, so I certainly don’t need to tell you, of all people, how well-founded his recommendations are…
I urge you to think about it and give your hearing aid business to whomever cares more about your well-being than their own margin of profit.
Sincere best wishes
If you are honest with Costco they should work with you.
Ask for size 312 battery BTE aids with slimtubes. I have a feeling you will like them.
Good luck
Hi. Yesterday I was told by the Costco head tech that I couldn’t buy a BTE. She is giving up on me- my fitting requirements are beyond Costco’s capabilities. I’m going to have to go outside of Costco. I did not want this to happen. Damn having small, very bendy, VERY sensitive ear canals- which is obviously an outlier. Yes, I could complain to Corporate, but I’m worried the relationship with this dept will be severed forever- well, at least until this tech leaves. I’m truly in a Catch-22, and may have to eat $1,800.
@hilary: I’m curious as to why you’re not posting your audiogram so the local experts can offer you better-informed suggestions for HA style, receiver strength, etc.
Obviously, with your 4 prior returns to Costco, this story commenced a while ago. Were the returns all for the same issue? What caused you to keep returning to the RIC style after the second return? What did you think would be different about the 3rd and 4th pair? My old brain just can’t get things to add up.
Maybe I’m just dense, but I can’t form a clear picture …
They can refuse to sell you more hearing aids. If you’re within your return period, they can’t refuse to refund your money.
For 13 years I kept going back to my old tried and true Oticon Deltas. The receiver was just thin enough to be semi-comfortable, 1st w/a tiny acrylic mold which was made to only go into my canal 3mm- that eventually broke at the vent hole, then with a med double mold, which was cut-up to make it look like ‘petals’. I thought I could recreate the original scenario, and the Costco techs never told me otherwise…Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would need/wear a BTE.
Hi. My audiogram is a flat loss in the 65-75db range.
Okay. Thanks for the information.
Begging will not help. The head tech VERY reluctantly (understatement of the eons) sold me this pair. Maybe if I wait a year…I cannot make any waves right now. Apparently she gets heat for hearing aids returned- I think Corporate asks why…
Sounds like you’ve got the Costco system down…