Can I stop Notifications from entering my hearing aids?

I love my Android phone calls going through my Phonak hearings aids directly into my ears, but I hate getting blasted in the ears with Notifications from my security cameras and would prefer them coming through my phone’s speaker, as they did before I used myPhonak to connect my phone to my hearing aids. (It is also important that everyone in the house hear security camera notifications, not just me.)
Is there any way to limit the hearing aid connection to only phone calls, and keep Notifications coming through the phone’s speaker?

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Not a total techie, but on my Android Samsung Flip-4 phone, I go to:
Settings → Notifications → App Notifications → and then choose from the list which ones to turn ON.

So I get a notification in my aids and external sound for the doorbell ringing, phone call, text coming in, things like that. See if your phone is the same.

You should be able to scroll down that list and turn things ON or OFF to your preference.


Thank you very much!
I will double-check these settings.

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My primary goal is to try to set them so the security cameras announce only through our Alexa devices which are spread throughout the house.

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I also have a home security system (ADT) that is NOT on my list of Applications at all, and security cameras (Unifi Protect) which IS on my list of App Notifications that are turned OFF.

So if you have your security camera app on that list of Notifications -->App Notifications, just turn it OFF.

I wonder about turning off notifications from my hearing aids every time I walk away from my phone. When playing golf, and I leave my phone in the cart and walk to the green, my phone gives me a notification in my ear, sometimes in the middle of a putt. It happens in the house when I leave the upstairs television room and head down stairs to my basement office. I would really like to turn those off, but have no idea how to do it. Any ideas? It is tedious and annoying.


Only notifications I have through is Calls and FaceTime.

Sound notifications are off for text messages but they come on the screen.

All other Apps have no notifications at all.

I still have the same problem with my Lumity aids - even though I have turned off all notifications for all apps listed on my Samsung S10 phone.

I still get loud bursts of noise which I assume are from notifications which my phone does not display. It’s a mystery - but my smartphone has proved to be smarter than me.

I have the same issue with the Jabras and my iPhone 14. I don’t mind the notifications except they are LOUD!!! Can’t find a way to turn them down.

For Jabra/iPhone, turn off “Play Ringtones” and “Play System Sounds” in the Accessibility → Hearing Devices settings screen.


Maybe, if the notification is set up to go only to Alexa. You may have to remove the app on your phone though. Are you sure you want to do that? What if you are away from the house. Would you want to see the security videos on the phone?

Alexa is a phone app. It resides only on the phone.
The security cameras have their own apps but I have programmed them to communicate both through their own phone and computer apps and also through Alexa, triggered by their motion sensors.
(By choice, our breakin and burglary alarm system is professionally installed and monitored and is wholly independent of my home automation hobby.)
All I am trying to do is to get my security cameras’ motion detection announcements out of my ears.

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Where are the notifications coming from, the security video app on your phone, or the Alexa app on your phone? Im guessing you want to see the security videos on your phone. If the videos are available on Alexa, but the notifications are from the security app, you would need to turn off notifications from the security app, or uninstall the app. Sorry i wasnt clear earlier.

The notifications are triggered by motion detected by my security camera apps announced through my phone and some are set up in Alexa Routines to also be announced on my Alexa devices. But once myPhonak linked with my hearing aids, I get all the notifications only in my hearing aids. That’s all I know. I am sorry that I cannot be more helpful.

So to get the notification on your phone, did you have to download an App?

I can go into each App and turn off sounds which means my hearing aids won’t be getting the notification all day.

Obviously you’re Android but I’m sure there’s a way on Android.

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I finally figured out that Phonak Lumity Aids or the Phonak App notifies me every time it changes programs. For example, within Auto, it notifies me if it changes the setting, or if it changes setting from Auto to Roger ON-IN device. I really want to shut off those annoying notifications. I am guess some uses like them for various reasons, but some of us find them annoying and tedious in that order. Any ideas on how to shut those off? Thanks

The volume can certainly be turned down within Target (programming software). Have you asked your audi/hearing aid fitter? I can’t remember if one has control over which and what chimes one gets.


Yes of course I can eliminate the sounds in my ears by turning off the capability of each brand of security camera to send notifications of motion detection, but with all due respect that would be the meataxe approach and would eliminate the whole purpose of having security cameras.
What I am trying to accomplish is to re-route or re-create those notifications so that they instead are announcements over key Alexa Echo devices in the home, less head-jolting and capable of being heard by everyone not just me.

You’re asking for the impossible.

If your hearing aids are connected, then what I said about turning off sounds is the only option.

You can’t choose what comes through speaker or hearing aids if hearing aids stay connected.

Your first post says it’s annoying having them blast your ears so you want them through the speaker of the phone.

MyPhonak doesn’t need to be on your phone to connect your hearing aids to Bluetooth.


Throwing this out there. Be kinda glad you are getting notified. I switched aids and now I don’t get the notification for phone calls in the aids. Getting phone calls notification was a very nice thing.