Can I stop Notifications from entering my hearing aids?

Yes it’s true that my first post said I wanted them through the phone’s speaker, but I think I pretty clearly thereafter said I modified that goal to wanting the notifications to come through selected Alexa (Echo) speakers so that others in the home might also hear the notices, and I believe I have now found a way.

As an experiment, last night I turned off notifications for the phone app for one of my security cameras, and substituted an Alexa Routine making an announcement, triggered by motion detection by that camera. It seems to be working perfectly as family members created some traffic across that path, and the designated Alexa devices announced but my hearing aids remained silent other than passing along the announcement at normal, non-jarring volume. What a relief!

So while I was hoping for a one-click solution, this one will involve only the additional effort of creating a few more motion-triggered Alexa Routines while turning off notifications on the camera’s phone apps.

Often, seeking assistance online from fellow users also further stimulates one’s own creative juices, and perhaps this dialog might also prove helpful to others bothered by these jarring in-ear motion detection notifications.


Why would turning off notifications on you phone change whether the notification goes to anither device. My PC and wifes phine get audible notifications, even though my droid phone has them disabled. Perhaps its an Alexa thing. Dont turn it off in Alexa, turn it off settings. I must be missing some detail as this should be easy.

See above. Of course! That’s what I already said I did and I said it’s working.

Sorry my bad. I guess i did not catch that the first time i read your kast response.

To each their own, I wont let Alexa in my home.

I suspect this is the case with my Google home.

I’m used to targetted ads appearing in Faceache, when I’ve maybe searched for an item online. I do, however, believe ads appeared in apps on a subject I’d only talked about with my wife. I suspected my Google speaker was listening

I believe I recognize your screenshot as coming from an iPhone. I have an iPhone 13 Pro Max and the installed. When, however, I go to Settings/Notifications, does not appear there. I wonder why?

Didn’t say the screenshot was from your; said it looked like a screenshot taken on an iPhone.
I interpret your second post to mean that when you go to Notifications on an iPhone and scroll down in Notifications, you will find
If this is the case, would you mind posting a screenshot or under Notifications, because simply does not apper there on my iPhone.
Many thanks.

Search for “Separate app sound” in Android settings and see if that will work for you. I don’t know what Android version this first appeared in and I haven’t tried it.