Perhaps this question has been posed before … but I have a nagging issue with my LEFT ear: it appears that the size L double-dome on the receiver is TOO big. Over the many weeks I’ve been wearing these Phonak aids, my left ear now has a contusion-like bruise in the opening area. It looks like the size & shape of the dang DOME (thankfully, not the rock-hard, matchstick shaped receiver).
I showed my aud-guy the ear, and I now have a size S dome on that aid. (The tulip domes for Phonak come in S and L only). I find the S is a bit too small - resulting in a tinny sound in that ear only.
I honestly can’t recall if he had to re-set or re-calibrate the left aid with a smaller dome on it. But as my left ear heals, I’d like to try putting the L dome on again. Does anyone know if I can intermittently swap sizes of domes without a re-calibration?
EVER SO grateful for any advice here. Right now my world sounds tinny/perfect with different sized domes on each aid. Sigh.
I don’t seem to get along well with closed domes so I have open and so this probably isn’t relevant to you…but I have a size 10 in one ear and an 8 in the other. The larger in the one ear just causes a little too much discomfort that doesn’t exist in the other.
I had wanted closed but my ears get all plugged up with pressure so I had to settle for opens and yes less bass.
Cuz (stupidly!) Phonak only sells L and S - no M closed, double domes! Again, boggles my mind how there is so little care or common sense to sizes for HA wearers. Like selling shoes in size 5 and 10 only. Those who need medium sized shoes can go barefoot.
That is my situation exactly now: the S dome in my LEFT ear fits better than a L one. But ideally, a size MEDIUM would be best, except that Phonak has no M, closed double dome.
I just hope that if I intermittently swap the L & S as my swollen ear allows, I won’t blow up the aid!
those receivers are kinda very similiar, you could try domes from different manus and see what happens, could be a little loose, or might be just ok. just ask.
Miracolo! I don’t know how I was searching on Amazon last night, but I didn’t see any M for Phonak. I think I didn’t use the key phrase “power dome”. Now I’ve got the Amazon link, and am going to order some ASAP! Thanks!!
Oddly enough, my dear aud-guy said Phonak only made L and S power domes. So - for the umpteenth time - I’m going to have to tell him that here at the HearingTracker forum, I learned there actually ARE Medium domes. > : - /
THANKS ALL for the informative replies! I had worn Widex double domes on the Oticon Opn miniRITE aids for 9 months (before exchanging those aids for my current Phonak Audeo B-Directs). I always kind of wondered if the mis-match of dome & aid manufacturers could’ve contributed to my simply never being able to HEAR with the Oticons.
I just assumed that I should stick with same maker for dome & aids. But now I wonder if it isn’t so complex after all. Even SO! I am going to order the Phonak M double-dome tulips today and see how that does on my left aid.
I’ll definitely report back. Cuz I really don’t want to go back to my aud-guy just for a DOME size change! Especially if this is an ongoing issue with my ear canals swelling and receding like the tides. No idea why I’m prone to that condition.
You can change domes anytime you like. I suggest you have your provider check other brands of domes [medium size] that would fit your HA. Domes are not Brand Specific. He/She may be too lazy to give you the time to do the checking. But remember “the squeeky wheel gets the grease”.
GREAT! I’m so glad that swapping domes from different manufacturers and of different sizes does not seem to be an issue at all. (Maybe it’s the length of WIRE that I had read makes a difference in calibration?)
My aud-guy moved in to his new clinic back in March. He confessed (after taking a good 5-10 min to find the size S Phonak domes for me!) that he’s still “unpacking” with stuff in boxes that he simply has no idea where things are. LOL. It’s easier and quicker for me to surf up to Amazon and find what I need now.
It appears that my left ear canal is just a whole size smaller than the right one. Chalk it up to the asymmetry of nature.
Strictly speaking you’ll need to go back for an adjustment if you’ve changed the venting. However, as most of the effect is below 1Khz you’re not really going to suffer that much unless you either start getting more feedback (more venting) OR too much LF gain (Less venting).
Further increasing venting my give you a ‘thinner’ sound experience overall as you lose the LF ‘warmth’ from the signal and you may start to lose some of the speech clarity too: which might be more apparent to others around you.
^^^^ Um_bongo, you absolutely nailed it! I do, indeed, have that “thinner” sound quality in the left ear now, cuz I had to swap a size S dome for the L the other day. Luckily, I’ve got some size M domes coming in this week, so I’ll swap one of those for the S and see how things sound.
These are double-dome, unvented, to prevent as much leakage as possible (given my hearing loss!). I’m hoping to adjust to the slightly cockeyed listening with the combination of M (left side) and L (right side). But I appreciate your noting that I may indeed have to return to my aud-guy for a bit of an adjustment.
When I press the tragus area and really PUSH the aids into my canals, the sound is SUPER rich and markedly louder. That got me thinking about the benefits of aids that sit right up against the eardrum (Lyrics). I don’t think they’re for me what with my loss of 70-80db, but it’s amazing how much more powerful aids can be the deeper they sit in the ear. AH for a microchip surgically implanted right there. Get the power from our heartbeat or some such thing …
It is indeed my cost of the weird pressure variations in my ears. I lose control of the lower frequencies and thus “thinner” sound.
@Um_bongo: Do you know which of the single closed domes would fit the Rexton KS7’s?
I’m wondering if I could poke a hole in them to get some venting but not like open domes and that then might get me a little more lower frequencies. I’ve tried tulip domes but I seem to recall they can close up as well.
Not sure what receiver they use, but if it’s the same as the standard Resound ones you can do what I do; use the Sonova range of domes. IMHO the bullet domes give a better fit at all sizes with the single closed dome, single slit as necessary.
Beyond that, whatever is secure, comfortable and gives enough coupling for the sound, is right, whether that be a modified dome or a custom tip.
Um_bongo, are you saying the bullet dome is better than a double-dome “power” dome? I’d be interested in ANY dome improvement if it provides better sound quality, less leakage, greater comfort and would fit on my new Phonak receivers. Perhaps Phonak even makes a bullet dome. I’ve just never tried them, but it seems a low-cost experiment if I can order a pack at Amazon.