Callers CAN'T HEAR me when I'm streaming with Phonak Lumity Life BT V12

@tenkan Can you do the same on an iPhone?


Isn’t it just this?

It would say whatever Bluetooth is connected.

iPhone = internal mic
Bluetooth device

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No idea.
I will check with my brother.

This is my screenshot.

Selecting iPhone disconnects Bluetooth and you talk normally on the phone.

This feature has been around for years and years.

I didn’t know that, and I don’t own an iPhone.
Are you saying that “Yes You Can” use iphone’s microphone instead of Phonak’s Paradise HA microphone?
Thank you

Yes, I get that! I’ve also got 3 programs to sift through when the Default program isn’t optimal:

  1. Speech in LOUD Noise
  2. Music (more dynamic range)
  3. Acoustic Phone

I’ve pretty much memorized the lineup, but still … gotta crank through each one sometimes, which takes annoying seconds to do. I don’t have the MyPhonak app on my cell phone cuz I’ve got enough phone apps to toss a wrench in my day.

Yes but the Aids don’t stay connected to Bluetooth.

No worries.
Thank you


This is what it shows when I have my NHS Phonak Naida P70 UP in.

When I’ve had to switch to using the iPhone as normal, I switch to Telecoil with HA Mics turned off completely, as then it cuts ALL background noise out and you just get the phone call in your ear.

Works well as a backup. I have that Telecoil program with no HA Mics on, easily accessible via my HA buttons.

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I have intermittently experienced that very frustrating thing where I can hear the other party but they do the same shouting CAN YOU HEAR ME until they give up and hang up. Sometimes it happens partway thru a call. Both could hear the other until for some reason the other party can no longer hear me. Don’t know why just that it seems to happen too often at the most inopportune time. I have no answer but if it helps you are not alone. I remember particularly bad timing. It was my son’s birthday and we didn’t get to talk. In this case the call started okay but about a minute in he couldn’t hear me. In the end I felt very sad that lack of decent hearing aids and or technology robbed me of what should have been a simple but special family experience.

Can I ask you if you like acoustic phone program quality? Close to bluetooth streaming?

DITTO FOR ME! It used to happen more when I lived on top of a mountain with bad cellphone coverage. I’d also experience very loud BUZZING on my cell phone line - no idea why or where it was coming from.

Just yesterday, I called my audi’s clinic to cancel my THU appt and got the robo-attendant. It would say, “Dial O for attendant” and when I’d press “O” on my cell phone it was like I’d poked the wall next to me. NUTHIN’ happened. The robo-attendant just repeated that message till I hung up in frustration. Way up in this thread was my experience calling a Medicare insurance carrier. I could hear them perfectly, but they could not hear one word from me, which forced me to hang up and re-dial using Acoustic Phone program.

I’ve reconciled myself that there are myriad scenarios that are completely inexplicable in the world of hearing aids + Bluetooth + cell phone OS.

I can enthusiastically give a :+1: for Acoustic Phone!! It is about 90% as good as bluetooth streaming. With Acoustic Phone, the audio will stereophonic, BUT it won’t be heard inside the ear as with BT streaming.

My only niggle with it is that I have to hold the phone up close to the mic in my BTE unit. I can’t just have my phone on the desk or close by. It has to be right up there at my ear for the duration of the call.

When I was forced to use this program during a very long call with potential Medicare insurance carrier, it was TEDIOUS. But at least I could communicate - and the person had an ENORMOUS accent that would’ve been impossible for me to decipher using just a phone placed up to one ear, hearing in mono.

What about background noise?

I found it useless in background noise.

I find using telecoil with HA Mics turns off, massively helps as it cuts all background noise out and iPhone has telecoil built in.

I’ve only had to use Acoustic Phone at home, so I’ve never been in a situation where I’m in a noisy restaurant, mall, on a bus, or anyplace outside the house. Would be very interesting to try it out, so I’ll do so in the coming days and let you know how that works. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you.


I wonder if your Lumity have telecoil anyway?

I think from memory ,Acoustic Phone automatically drops the mic in the other ear, so background noise wouldn’t be too much of a problem @Zebras have a look in target and see if the setting is there for this.

Nope! I was asked if I needed/wanted it, and never having used a telecoil, I just said, “Nope!” But Acoustic Ear? I would always have that in my program lineup. And I have YOU to thank for posting that tip a couple years ago.

Now I need to pry hubs away from his computer stuff to get out and try this out in a NOISY place as I return something from Amazon at the local Whole Foods.

That is correct but all noise coming from the ear with the phone up to it, is transferred into the ear with no HA mic on so it didn’t do much for me.

UPDATE! We just returned from our field test: Acoustic Phone vs straight bluetooth streaming. Hubs was across the store, very noisy ambience, and found that my voice was a bit more muted in Acoustic Phone, but he could hear me fine. For me, I could hear him fine stereophonically in both ears, no prob, and not even distracting ambient noise in Acoustic Phone.

When I called him back in my default program with bluetooth streaming on, he heard me better: it was clearer with LESS ambient noise coming through. For me? I could hear him maybe a smidge better, too, mainly cuz now BOTH ears were streaming the call directly into my ears.

So I’m keeping Acoustic Phone in my program lineup forever. There are too many squirrelly events that seem to require a normal landline phone with no BT streaming. No idea why!

Again, if this happens with representatives at large Medicare insurance carriers, is it cuz their own IS/telecom is OLD, out of date? How come they can’t hear me at all when I’m streaming through BT? And why do those same robo-attendants answering phones at these big companies refuse to detect ME pressing a number on my cell phone? It will keep repeating, “I’m sorry, I didn’t get that. If you want … press …” until I want to take a ballpeen hammer to the machine.