I have had phonak aids (size 13 battery) from Costco now for 1 month. Just noticed that the word Brio is printed on the side of each aid. If you have the brio 2 what does yours say? Just wondering if I may have received the old model.
I don’t have the aids, but saw a picture of the Brio 2s and they said Brio. What does your receipt say?
I have the 2’s (312T) that I got a few days ago and it just says Brio. I don’t think Costco even has any of the old model. How do you like them? I am trying to get used to them.
Reciept says Brio 2 R 13 CIC. What is the R stand for? Not right or left as both say same.
jtl, I like them a lot. More natural than the resound versa 962s I had before. Don’t need to be changing programs since they automatically change as the environment changes. I’m not needing to read the closed caption as much as before. No feed back ever. Music not great so I will have music program added next week.
I don’t use the compilot thing. (I can change programs using the toggle on the size 13 aids.) Maybe a TV streamer would help. Did you a TV streamer. If so how do you like it?
Not at all sure about the R. In a non Costco Phonak aid, as in B-90R, it stands for rechargeable, but that is not the case here. My best guess is that stands for RIC, (receiver in canal), but then I’m not sure what to make of CIC which is Completely in Canal. I thought the Brio 2 was just available as a RIC. Can anybody clarify?
I may get a TV streamer if I decide the keep these HA’s. I tried to pair the ComPilot II Air to my BT sound bar and it would not pair after multiple tries so I gave up. People have reported that the ComPilot Air is fussy when streaming also so if I get the TV accessory I am going to make sure it is returnable. I have been using headphones to watch TV and that works good.
Hi All, I’m very interested in the Phonak line, did a Costco walk in the Brio around and very nice.
What is the difference? The Brio is the old platform, but does the Brio 2 indicate it is the “Belong” platform? (much faster)
L …15…15…60…70…75…75…50…55…80
R …35…35…55…65…85…95…45…60…80
Hz 250…500…1K…2K…4K…8K…SRT…WRS1…WRS2…
JTL, like the soundbar, the HA is a receiving device, not a transmitting device, so that’s probably why you can’t pair your HA to your BT soundbar, unless your BT soundbar has a special feature to enable it to act as a transmitting device as well, which I think is unlikely.
Transmitting devices are like your smart phones or tablets or TV or computer, which generates the sound. Receiving devices are BT receivers, BT sound systems (like soundbar, portable sound system), your HAs; basically devices that accepts the audio from a transmitting devices and creates audible sounds from these transmitting devices. So it doesn’t make sense to pair a receiver device with a receiving device. Nor does it make sense to pair a transmitting device with a transmitting device. But sometimes if the smart devices and smart phones and computer/tables may have the ability to act both ways as transmitting and receiving devices, then you can pair them with each other.
So try to pair your HA to the TV (if your TV has BT), instead of pairing your HA with the soundbar, which wouldn’t work anyway. If your TV doesn’t have Bluetooth, you may have to get a TV Streamer.
If you have the 13 battery, they are Brio 2s. The original Brios weren’t available with the 13.
The Compilot II (non-Air) is a much better choice.
Before you spend the $$ for a streamer, check a free
app for your phone called Tunity. I’ve been using it for months and it’s great. Plus, you can use it anywhere (sports bar, airport, etc.). Do a search here on the forum for the details.
Hi Reidfm,
Check this thread for answers to your questions - Hearing Aid Forum - Active Hearing Loss Community
Hi asharpvol and Ray3,
Do either of you know, or can find on your Brio 2’s, what platform they use?
Is it the “Belong” platform? Floyd
Volusiano, My soundbar uses BT to connect to my subwoofer and I once paired it to my remote wireless speaker on my patio. I have been reminded what a pain that was to get it unpaired. If it stayed paired the soundbar would not project any sound making it useless for the TV. Probably best I couldn’t get it to work with the ComPilot.
After spending a fair amount of time researching Belong vs Venure I am convinced that the Brio 2’s are the Phonak V90’s without the tinnitus feature. I also believe that V series and B series are using the same chip. The features of one vs the other is miniscule, to the point of being irrelevant.
I have the Tunity app but it doesn’t work for movies and recorded video.
I believe the Brio 2 uses Venture platform but I don’t have any solid evidence.
The Brio is the old old Quest platform…same as the Phonak Q series. The Brio 2 is the old Venture platform same as the Phonak V series. The new Phonak Belong platform or Phonak B is not available at Costco. My understanding is that the deal with Phonak is that they will supply Costco but only “old” tech.
Everything I have read suggests that the V and B platforms use the same chip. I base this on the fact that a side by side comparison of the V and B specs are virtually identical. The B has some very minor feature additions. Cost difference between V and B when I looked online was only $50 per HA. I am speculating but I think Phonak had to make a distinction between HA’s to satisfy the independents and came out with the Belong series. Afaik the Costco HA’s do not have tinnitus features because, as i was told, they do not want to get into the business of managing this problem and prefer to leave it to the over priced audies.
I don’t know which chip/platform my Brio 2s use, nor do I know how to find that info. The manual has basic how to use info but no technical info.
Just wondering if Phonak claims that the Belong series uses a new chip/platform. I expect that would be advertised if it were true.
If the Tunity app doesn’t work with movies or video does that mean it will not work if watching a recorded program from a DVR?
(I DVR almost everything to avoid commercials.) Do you need to manually reestablish connection to TV each time you leave the room?