Brio or Brio 2?

Asharpvol, you have to read a little between the lines and make a few assumptions to determine the platform but after looking a while it becomes more obvious. For example “more power”, 30% more battery life. These are used in the V and B chipset. The programs of the Brios 2 and the v90 are for the most part identical except for the tinnitus feature, the B series adds a couple of minor programs. This is Phonak’s latest chip and they are using it on all of their “premium” HA’s. Obviously, I cannot prove this but based on hours of searching this is my opinion.

My understanding of the Tunity app is that it looks at what is on a particular channel and grabs the audio via your smart phone (data). I does not work with recorded programs or premium channels, only live tv. It was designed to use in sports bars and waiting rooms.

Yep Brio2 uses Venture platform and Brio 1 Quest platform. Phonak sells to Costco on the condition that they can’t have the lastest chip (my opinion).

AusMatt, I believe you are mistaken, the latest “chip” from Phonak is the one used in both the Venture and the Belong platforms. What differs is the feature set albeit very little difference. Costco may not get the latest technology in all of their product lines but they do with Phonak. My HIS also confirmed this.

JTL my understanding is both Venture and Belong use the Palio3 platform but the Brio2 is the Venture product line which has been on the market for 3 years? How long has the Brio2 been sold by Costco? Not long. The Belong has had some improvements in background noise, SoundRecover2, a rechargeable model and a change in casing/ microphone positioning to improve wind noise and hair scratching etc…these are not in the Brio2 as it is the old Venture series.

Costco have been selling the Brio which is the Quest until very recently even though the much improved Venture series has been out for a few years now.

The first pic is the new Belong series…you can see the mic positioning (more protected) the second is Costco’s Brio2 (the Audeo V "Venture).
I’m not bagging Cstco at all just think it’s important consumers are informed before purchasing. Ever since Phonak started a relationship with Costco they have only allowed Costco to rebrand their old tech. It happened with the Brio (Quest) and now the Brio2 (Venture).

I was responding to your comment that the Brio 2 used a older “chip” which I don’t believe it does. I have always said the B has a couple of features not available on the V but these are likely software changes. The Venture series was introduced in Nov of 2014. I personally don’t see the B being a technological breakthrough but more a way give the indies a means to differentiate their offering from that of Costco. Please don’t get the impression that I am a Brio 2 fanboy. At this point I am far from certain that I am even keeping them.

I’ve had the Brio 2’s for just over three months now. After the first few weeks I had a problem with one of the aids going dead. went back to Costco and the supposedly made some adjustments, but now my right hearing aidwill go completely dead in just a matter of hours… If I open the battery compartment, the sound will come back, but gradually gets weaker and weaker and is dead in a matter of an hour or so. I have a call into Costco going on about an hour now, and haven’t heard anything. I obviously have a defective aid. Anyone else ever experience this problem?

Usually the first thing they check when you bring the HA in is whether it’s clogged or not. I’ve experienced this several times when I thought HA was dead only to find out when I brought it in that it was simply clogged and needs to be cleaned up. That would be the first place I’d check, maybe using a loupe or magnifying glass to see if your HA is clogged or not. But if you don’t have the tool to clean it out, you’d have to bring it in anyway. At my Costco they don’t require an appointment to clean your HA, but if they’re busy with an appointment, you’d have to wait until they have some free time.

I know that if your HA is working initially but go dead in an hour or so, it seems to imply that it’s not plugged up. I’ve had it happen to me, too. But what I found in my case is that it’s marginally plugged up, but still has a tiny opening. So it’d work for a short while, but once the humidity in my ear expands the wax that’s plugging the opening up, then the HA seems to go dead.

I’m not concluding that your HA is plugged up for sure, just saying that it’s a possibility. I’ve had several instances over the years that I was convinced that my HA went bad only to find that a good cleaning fixed it up.

Was just at costco last week for a cleaning. Costco just called me back within the last 1/2 hour and said I was experiencing “Battery Drain”. I told them that when I switch the battery to my left hearing aid, my left one still works fine. The right one will work fine for a few minutes, then gets weaker and weaker. I test the sound with my pilot one for TV volume, as it chimes once when you hit the button, and chimes maybe 4 time when you hit the default button. Nice and loud in the left ear, and barely audible in the right ear and sometimes can’t even hear it. It’s not battery drain, as the left ear continues to work fine with the same battery, and the right aid starts out loud, but within 10 minutes is very low, and continues to get worse. Very frustrating, i originally started with the plain Brios and wish I had just kept them, they were immensely better than these Brio 2’s!

Sure sounds like the rt HA is draining the battery but the greater question is why. Have you considered returning the Brio 2’s and trying one of their other brands?

Still waiting to hear back from Costco. Talked with the receptionist yesterday, and a supervisor was, or is supposed to call me back. Still waiting for the call as we speak. jtl, if the right hearing aid is “draining” the battery, why does that battery still work perfectly in my left hearing aid when I switch the batteries? Doesn’t make sense to me. If my right hearing aid is killing the battery, it should also be dead when I switch to the left HA. I think there’s a bigger problem.

Sorry, I overlooked the fact that you were using the same battery. If you have a multi-meter I guess you could test the battery but if it works in the left HA why bother. Were it me I would send the entire works back and try a different brand since you are not happy with the Brio 2 anyway. I am happy with mine but I still plan on try out another brand since I don’t know it this is the best or not for me. One would think that Costco could get back to you by now after all they hype their customer service. Good Luck.

I agree with you 100%. And oh yes, I’m still waiting for that call from Costco 24 hours later!!

My hearing loss is about 80 db or a little more which I believe is between severe & profound. I have been wearing Phonak Nadia Naida Q90 BbuTE Power HA using the 13 battery. I have had since 3/15. I tried first the Costco Brio BTE power using the 13 battery but after 60 days and 10 visits to 2 different Costco stores returned as they were not experienced adjusting the aids properly. I purchased the Phonak Naida Q90 HA from a Connect Hearing store that offered to match the Costco price. While Phonak had introduced the V Platform in some models it was not available in the Power Aids - Naida in either 13 or 675 battery size until early to mid 2016. I had a pair for demo that used the 675 battery. The V Platform offered more power and better understanding which I need. However the Connect store would no longer match the Costco price as Costco did not then have available the V Platform Brio 2 in the Power Aid BTE until very recently. I was offered the
Naida V 90 Power BTE for $4700 per pair. Today Costco offers the Brio 2 Power BTE for $2,600 per pair. Also a friend was just at Costco and they also offered a 180 day trial with a 3 year warranty. I also use the ComPilot as a remote as well as use the Bluetooth for my cell phone for both incoming and out going calls. It works perfect. I also use the TVLink S to stream TV and am able to enjoy TV better that with head phones which I have used for a long time.

My 2 week old Costco Brio2 has Brio 2B-13 written on the bottom of the gray strip of the aid. Behind the ear with size 13 battery with a red dot(right ear). Nova Scotia Canada.