I’ve got a couple of pairs of phonac hearing aids and some other (Roger) equipment that I can’t seem to get to show as having bluetooth.
is it a practice for audiologists to turn it off if not in use? is my Roger stuff perhaps too old for the current bluetooth? seems very strange. if so, how can I fix it
Not all Phonak Aids have Bluetooth.
Not all Roger stuff have Bluetooth.
You need to tell us more information to help you.
Thank you! I’ll get some pictures and numbers on here somehow(can I do that?)
So there’s a pilotone1, I’ve got inspiro microphones and the 2 aids you see pictured, none of which are seen or indeed useable together. At the very least I need to turn up the aids. Many thanks
So none of these have Bluetooth.
They look like the Audeo S from 2011 and the Audeo Q from 2014.
Only the Audeo M and Audeo P have Bluetooth.
Also the Roger Inspiro doesn’t have Bluetooth.
You need a Roger X 02 receiver and first generation ComPilot to be able to use the Inspiro.
If it isn’t a Roger Inspiro but the older one, then a Roger X receiver won’t work.
The PilotOne 1 will be able to turn Aids up if linked together.
Sounds like these have not been programmed.
EDIT- Got it wrong, the top pair is Audeo Yes from 2008 rather then the Audeo S.
They’re your aids. The Audi shouldn’t do anything to your aids without you’re ok
He wouldn’t visit the Audi unless he wants them adjusted so how can the Audi do stuff he doesn’t want?
That’s brilliantly useful (but surprising) information. May I get back to you when I’ve looked into it a bit more? I don’t need Bluetooth as such if the remote would work. The mic is as shown, an inspiro.
Some old Inspiros can be updated to Roger but not all of them.
Google Roger Upgrader Software. Download it and try update the Inspiro.
There’s two older Inspiro so yours might be too old to be updated.
The fact your serial number starts with 10 means year 2010, so highly likely way too old but can’t confirm.
You would need a MLXi receiver to use with a really old Inspiro. Make sure it’s the right letter at the start for where you live.
Here in the UK, it’s H. I believe Altho can’t be sure, it’s N in the USA.
Might actually be cheaper for you to buy second hand Roger Kit on eBay. I got two Roger receives and a Roger Pen 1.1 for less then $300.
I’m a bit confused by your comments, if the remote works? If your Aids and remote have been set up, then obviously it’ll work, which is why I’m questioning if these have actually been set up.
I’m not even sure anyone has the software for the Audeo Yes as it’s super old. I believe it’s a version of iPFG.
If you look up inside the battery doors, it’ll show you the version of Aids.
He specifically asked if it was a practice for the audiologist to turn off features he wasn’t using. I assume at some point he had been to see an audiologists. But either way my response was that an audiologist doesnt adjust a users aids in any way without the users knowledge and approval.
Ah yes. I would expect the Audiologist to tell me if they were turning off Bluetooth etc Altho they can’t turn Bluetooth off.
To clarify, I bought all this equipment separately. The aids used to have a remote control but the seller couldn’t find it, so it’s from someone else. That particular remote doesn’t give me anything but the green light. I can’t at the minute find a way to pair anything to anything.
You have to link the remote to the hearing aids via the software.
You also need to have the hearing aids programmed to your loss.
Is it surprising? Those hearing aids are very old.
I get the impression they were purchased with no idea of how old they were, how they work, or even if they were the right devices for their hearing loss. I hope they didn’t pay very much.
I currently have the same as you, whitehat, and THEY cost a fair bit. I wanted some RIC I didn’t have to worry about popping onto the floor every time I took my mask or helmet off or went for a walk. I’ve had em fair while too, then found the forum to learn a bit.
they will stay as they are it seems
Hi, I think IPFG is still available, Pvc will know?
If so give it a try.
Yes! It’s there! Not found much about it, but looks like the usb lead ( and a borrowed windows machine) would give me some access.
Thank you to those with helpful input
Yes I realise it’s a specific lead- that’s why I hoped they had some wireless possibility, I had guessed Bluetooth. I don’t have an icube , but about every subsequent apple thing. We seem to have reached the end of my options for the audio yes, but my surprise was the audeo Q was the more recent. Nothing different there ?
Anyway thanks for pitching to the uninformed- I just needed a bit more volume at work really, the microphone idea would have been handy for my customer facing moments but seems it’s not enough to be of a similar era. I’ll not rely on basic phonac paperwork in future.
Perhaps I’ll just retire
This topic has distorted a bit. I’d have liked to use the mic and turn em up a bit.
Thanks for all the information. I CAN turn up my Bluetooth aids. I dont want to alter the program further