Better Hearing Aid?

I currently have ReSound hearing aids from COSTCO. They are 4 years old and have been repaired on average once a year. I have been back for numerous different settings, but still have problems understanding what some people are saying. Is there a better hearing aid for understanding speech? Should I be seeing an audiologist instead of going to COSTCO?

I am going to say this. I have been wearing aids for 20 years. Hearing aids are just that aids, they can’t give you back your normal hearing. I have never been able to hear everyone the way i would like, it just isn’t possible. Your hearing loss is such you will never be able to hear everything you once did. It is a hard pill to swallow but it is the truth. But yes never give up, do get the aids adjusted the best possible but understand that you will always have issues hearing certain people. My advice, if you can afford it find yourself the best possible audiologist you can and try the Oticon INTENT1 aids, or the new Phonak aids. They may help.


So true.
I remember from elementary school years, I was able to hear and follow people without lip reading. Everything was so fluid. It’s just not possible now even with ultra powered hearing aids.
So sad memories, sorrow feelings. Another story for another day

I was raised to always be positive and look on the bright side. Yes I have hearing loss and yes my eyesight is poor, but i can still see to read and drive and I can still hear well enough to be actively volunteering and going to lectures and even concerts. So live is still great.

You’re right. Most of the time I try to do the same.

But sometimes, I cant go on… I cant move on… I freeze and get out of hearing world and get lost in an abyss … depression sets in. for a brief time… I mourn and mourn. I get back to living my life.

Unfortunately hearing aids are aids. Not a replacement for our ears.
You need to find a skilled fitter.

Sorry to hear that you’ve had to have your Resounds repaired about 4 times! That seems excessive. My previous aids were Resound Linx3D. I had them for about 5 years and did not have any problems during that time. I now have the Oticon Real’s. I understand speech better with these aids. However, I experience more Bluetooth connectivity issues with these than I ever had with the Resounds. No such thing as a perfect hearing aid but the technology is helping.

(post deleted by author)

I have never allowed myself to become depressed. The closest I came was in 2002 when my first wife, my first love, was killed in an automobile accident. I had a few hard months but I was surrounded by family and friends, I turned to what my great grandmother and grandmother taught me about listening to and believing in my spirit. You see they were Native American, Apache Indians. As long as I give myself time to meditate and listen to my spirit I can still hear them guiding my way. That includes my first wife. My dad added to that by telling me to always trust my gut and heart. Which was his way of saying to listen to my spirit guidance. I am 77 years old, I have never been hospitalized or had an illness worse than the flu. I am not on any prescription drugs. I still follow my training on how to use natural remedies and how to eat only real food that comes from mother earth.

I’m sorry to hear about your first wife.
I’m not a very strong guy. Every one is different. I wish I had someone like you in some ways in my younger years, whom would guide me and direct me to more healthy coping ways. I’m 49 and still have some issues with my personality. My dad was also hard of hearing guy with his own problems.

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Sometimes an audiologist is better and sometimes worse, but in pretty much all cases more expensive. So it’s hit and miss out there.

If you have the money, try another brand or two of hearing aids at Costco. You can always get your money back if things don’t work out. If you can record the voices that you are having issues with and bring that to your fittings, that will help too.

If you are still having issues with Costco, then you can try the more expensive audiologist or maybe even try going the DIY route.

I think the key to getting a good fitting is to look for a fitter that can spend time adjusting the hearing aid, the hearing aid has 20 or more frequency bands that can be fine tuned, bringing in a recording of the type voices that are giving you problems, your ability to describe your issue, and the ability of the fitter to understand your issue.

So as many folks have said before, your fitter’s ability and the amount of time they can spend with you can may a huge difference.

Thanks to all for your suggestions.

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