Bernafon Verite vs. Oticon Agil


Thanks again for your reply and for providing the link.

I’ve done my Due Diligence/research regarding what’s available in print.

I was just hoping to get a professional’s straightforward response COMPARING the Verite and the Agil.

I’m assuming there must be a significent difference for the Agil to be priced at twice the cost of the Verite, especially when you consider that both the Agil and the Verite are made by the same company…

I had minor feedback issues until I started using the Tulip Dome, with a self modification 2mm hole to minimize occlusion. Now on a rare occasion I get feedback, but is is usually when my ear/head is too close to a sound reflective object such as a car window.

I can lay down on a pillow and not get feedback.

I moved to the tulips domes because the 8mm were too small and 10mm were too large.

Hope this helps,

This is only my second post and is specific to my particular audiometry which is almost identical to Joe Duffer’s, however mine does drop off a little more than his above 1k Hz and I’ll also throw tinnitus into the mix. From what I’ve been able to find I believe that this type profile lends itself very well to open fit type HA’s due to being able to hear well at the lower frequencies but then falling off noticeably as we get into the higher frequencies.

I tried the Agil Pro’s with a open fit for a week and they worked pretty good for me. I’m not convinced that the cost of them is justified so I’ve got some Verite’s that I’ll be getting next week.

One of the big pluses I see in the Bernafon Verite’s over the Agil Pro’s is the processing delay. With the channelfree of the Verite it appears that max delay for sound processing is about 2 ms (milliseconds) where it is higher in multichannel HA’s like the Agil. From what I can find on the internet it sounds like the more channels you have in a HA the more circuit delay there is to do the channel separation, channel processing and then to merge it back to the sound delivered from the HA. When you get above a 5 ms delay with a open fit type HA you begin to have problems with timing of un-processed signals vs the processed signal.

It seems that for audiometry along the lines of mine and Joe Duffers that a open fit type RIC works well because we still have fairly good hearing at or below 1k Hz and then have big drops above 1k Hz. With the Verite’s I’m guessing that the reduced delay in the electronics will be a big plus over the signal processing delay in the Agil Pro’s I tried. From what I found on the internet this reduced processing delay of the Verite paired with the “right audiometry” should give me a very good result in almost all listening conditions.

I’ll post back after I get the Verite’s and have had a few days with them. This should be in a couple of weeks since I won’t get them until the 21st of July.

both agil story and verite story seem quite similar, signal fidelity, no signal manipulation, etc.

Through-put or processing time for Standard Fast Fourier Transformation WDRC aids is mostly a function of the number of channels and the band width. Also the Clock time of the chip is important. This is because the process of changing an amplitude domain input into a frequency domain(for splitting channels) and back out to analog takes time.

Also the more channels the higher the adjacent channel induced distortion.

Bernafon’s Verite uses another less time consuming system to control relative gains.

Professor Ed.


Could you please provide more details regarding the 2mm hole modification?


Thanks Again,


I wish you much luck with your new Verite’s and very much look forward to reading about how they compare with the Agil’s.


I use cuticle Scissors an cut an opening in the dome, there is an area on the dome that appears to have an opening I just push the sharp tip of the scissors through and cut.

You have to be careful cutting since there is little room for error.

I ordered a 2mm hole punch should be here today, an will be trying it out and attach another photo, should be much cleaner cut.

Im also picking my verites up on 7/21 seems like my audiology numbers are somewhat similar to the posters on this thread I returned a pair of Phonak certinas which were very troublesome from what Ive read the Verites seem to work trouble free. Ill keep the board posted

my numbers are 250 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000

               L     35   35    30     35        40       45      45        45

               R     30   35    35     30       40        40       40       55

Joe Duffer et al,

I’ve now had the Verite’s in for the first complete day. They’re great! I did have the Audi put in programs for softer, louder, TV/Music in addition to the regular. The regular seems to do the job for pretty much everything. I even had one of my best rounds of golf ever with them. I did check out the TV/Music program and it does seem to work. The TV program seems like the volume is the same as the normal program, but I think it doesn’t try to mask the background? I didn’t get any of the gadgets so I wanted the programs. As far as audio quality goes they seem to be as good as the Agil Pro’s (looks like identical RIC’s) I test drove for a week that would have cost about 65% more than the Verite’s from Costco. I was amazed at how much more work the Costco audi put into the fitting than the audi I got the loaner Agil Pro’s from. Could have been the difference between buy vs try though?

Don’t think I’ve said “what” to my wife more than a couple of times in the last 24 hours so I think she’s REALLY PLEASED with them!

One thing I forgot to mention… The Costco audi gave me 6 mm open domes, but I had 8 mm with the Agil Pro’s. For the time I had the 6 mm domes in yesterday they would walk out of my ear canal so I swapped for the 8 mm today and they stay put now.