Well, I got a shock today.
It appears that aside from a network of offices which may or not address warranty issues, Beltone offices are like independent (and, indeed, some, like the one I’ve been to of late, as it has a skilled audiologist, DO handle non-Beltone lines) HA vendors in that if THAT OFFICE (and perhaps even that PERSON) didn’t sell you the aids you need adjustment on, any visit will cost you (unless you happen to have insurance which would pay for it).
After an accommodation which I’d not realized (I was referred by my vendor, who was clearly out of his league regarding my particular needs, as seen in (the VERY long) thread Close to despair after months of audiologists (note: PLURAL!) attempting recovery of music and speech, to a very skilled, multi-line (the owner of all the FL east coast offices allowed her to continue all the other lines, and in fact the company name on the sign outside isn’t Beltone) audiologist’s office and after many almost-weekly visits, have done reasonably well in attacking my particularly gnarly circumstances. But today I was presented with a “put up or shut up” equivalent of a $250/year subscription program if I want to return to that office for further tweaking.
Just wondering: is this standard, or merely a product of the owner of all these branches/outlets? Indeed, my “home” office was put with a previously independent guy, and two other, separate, offices were combined into his. That Vero Beach’s average age is nearly 55, and that’s without considering the substantial influx of snowbirds in the winter, meaning that there are a LOT of hearing aid users in the area doesn’t help. He’s swamped. I used to be fortunate to get in once a month.
But he’s the vendor, and apparently won’t further charge me. Not so much, apparently, any other Beltone office, other than to handle a warranty issue. (I’ve had occasion to do a quickie in/out in other offices when there was an issue with my aids of the time, at no cost, but they were either repair - at a cost - or a warranty issue.)
When we move from this area in less than a year, assuming I can find a Beltone office within a reasonable drive (I know of only one, and it’s over 90 minutes away), will I be paying for each visit, should I need adjustment?
Or is it time for me to figure out how to get the software and a Noahlink and become my own audiologist/technician? My vendor doesn’t have the chops, and when I move, it may be moot, anyway.