Battery life of your hearing aids?

If you’re hearing aids only last 13 hours, I would consider that unacceptable and cause for returning them


I get 14 to 15 days before replacing the 675 batteries in my two HAs (Nadia P70s). I consider my usage of Bluetooth streaming as light. Mostly phone calls or listening to podcasts on the Android phone. I really haven’t noticed much difference in this time-frame when I more heavily use the streaming versus when I don’t. I’ve been tracking battery changes for about six months - incredibly consistent results.

Got 15 days from 675 battery with about less than an hour of bluetooth a day
Interestin to see that I felt turbo boosted after battery change. It may be because my hearing aids gives warning too late?
I use phonak brand batteries

Yeah two weeks for the 675 but I usually change them before that

With my bicros i get about 3 days before they start bleeping at me. They use a size 13 battery i also have a single phonak nathos nova pr but have never let that run down to more than about 85% or 75% and only really use that in not very noisy situations for a couple of hours a day

Can’t be…Aids are set to beep when battery gets to a certain point in their power.

Although that’s right, I felt like there was power decrease before battery warning. I am suspicious of that battery warning has some bugs

Without Bluetooth my 675 battery gives me about 24 to 27 days . With Bluetooth on 8-10 days maximum. Currently using Resound Enzo Quattro hearing aid.

4 to 5 days with my Signia Pure 312 7 Nx. Have tried Phonak, Oticon, Resound and Unitron. All them reach more or less the same. I guess this is related to some factors:

  • Your hearing loss. My left one is dead before the right one, maybe that takes more power. If the user have a profound hearing loss will use more battery than one with a moderate HL.
  • Do you connect your hearing aid to your smartphone? If so, they’re talking to the phone all day. My Signia App reports to the iPhone motion sensor. This must use a lot of juice.

Interesting. Does bluetooth connection cause that much drain on battery life?

yes, oh yes, 2.4 ghz is a power hog

Thanks. Does this cause more hearing aid failure rates?

Erm 2 days on Phonak M90-13T. These days I stream a lot via Roger devices … so at least 8 hours per day (duration of work day), usually more.

I used to get a bit over a week to 10 days with Phonak V70-SP, that’s with some Roger usage.

It is more likely to cause firmware bug that require you to restart the hearing aid than a complete failure…

Full 7 days on 312 batteries with my Jabra,s with M&RIE receivers. Buy the batteries at Costco at $8.49 for pack of 48. No complaints.

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Got 13 days this time

Phonak Audeo P70 13T with UP receivers: right side died yesterday, almost exactly 7 days after starting my trial with them. The left died a day later. That’s with moderate streaming (a few hours per day). I was actually surprised the difference between left and right was as small as it was. I expected it’d be bigger considering the right side handles the bluetooth connection.

Previous aids were Phonak Bolero V50 SP with integrated receivers. Those lasted closer to 10-11 days I think. More than a week but definitely not two.

Both with size 13 batteries.

Holy Toledo! I have the Phonak Paradise P90 312 and get 4 days bluetooth on! Even my previous pair Kirkland 7 I got roughly 6 days out of the batteries and they had no bluetooth streaming in them. Dang 20+ days :thinking:

UK NHS Phonak Nathos Auto SP - I can not recall the commercial name for these.

Rayovac size 13 battery.

Typically 3 weeks BUT that is 10 hours/day 5 days a week plus a few other hours so say 160 hours. If I was using 16 hours/day every day then I presume around 10 days.

I do have ‘speech in loud noise’ as a program, this is where the two aids work together. I do not use it a lot but when I do sometimes it triggers the low battery alert. I guess if used more the battery life would be significantly less.

My previous Phonak Naida S V SP gave as I recall around 2 weeks.

Phonak Bolero V70 SP.


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