BAD first hearing test

Have you visited an ENT doc?

Are you a veteran?

Iā€™m honestly still in a bit of disbelief on this one. I wish I could see him in clinic. But the brain is an amazing thing!

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After a little over two days with these bad nous, sound level is more reasonable. Most voices soumd a bit muffled and most fematl voices sound much luwer and have a lisp. In a noisy restraunt last night they worked great. I increased the volume 2 clicks and i could easily understand all at the table, wven with the loud environment. I think the sound resolve 2 is the cause of the speach distortion. Comments amd suggestions welcome. Next Aud appointment is Monday PM.


Soā€¦ Female voices sound much lower than what though? With your posted audiogram, thereā€™s nothing that you would hear unaided at an average conversational level. Were you hearing voices before?

It sounds like youā€™re doing pretty well. Iā€™d not worry to much about the lisp until youā€™ve had more time to adapt, it might drop away on its own.


I find it stunning that ā€œthey worked greatā€ in a noisy restaurant. I hear that from very few people regarding their hearing aids, let alone somebody with your audiogram. Glad that you are having so much success.


Just to clarify, there was background noise, but the HAā€™s were able to isolate and amplify the voices so i could clearly understand what was said. Muffled speech and all.


I assume you mean sound recover ?
Give it time and if it doesnā€™t improve then it can be adjusted in Target. Lisping is one of the symptoms SR2.

I wonder whether the OP has a conductive hearing loss, eg otosclerosis or similar. If so then a stapedotomy procedure might be very beneficial. If it were me, then I would want to referred to an ENT consultant medic.

I apologize but Iā€™ve lost it here. What hearing aids are we referring to? If they worked so well in the restaurant, Iā€™d like to try a pair. Thank you.

This is a wholly inaccurate test. There are so many issues I would NOT be wearing hearing aids set to even close to 100% before you get another test done at a different establishment.

  1. Your SRT being 85 is basically impossible considering your hearing threshold is below that (at only 2 points, and far worse at others, basically you shouldnā€™t even be hearing at the level that your test says you can understand words at.

  2. Your WRS being 96% with that loss also is basically impossible. If you look at the green shaded area you are supposedly missing out almost entirely on any amount of speech clarity, as in per the test you are NOT hearing any amount of clarity of speech (thatā€™s the circles and Xā€™s with arrows are). Second part of that is you supposedly heard 96% correct at only 100db, which again cannot in any world be accurate. 100db should be barely audible for you, and not provide any amount of clarity.

My best educated guess is that your actual hearing threshold is at or around your bone conduction score at 70db. That could give you an SRT at or around 85db and nearly full clarity for WRS being presented at 100db.

Either the person doing your test intentionally doctored the results, had faulty equipment, or there was some other issue with you during the testing that we donā€™t know about. There is literally no way this is a valid or accurate test.

EDIT: I missed that all but one of your bone conduction scores was unheard at its limit. That makes your speech scores even more impossible. Based on this test you seemingly canā€™t hear anything beyond like 2k either AC or BC. Your speech scores at 100db should be closer to 30% not nearly 100%, and there is no way your SRT would be at 85. Either you faked this test or the dispenser/audiologist had no idea what they were doing.


You are much more aggressively disbelieving! :laughing:

It is possible to get a SRT below threshold though. Speech crest factor is ~15 dB and if someone is just very good at guessing from pieces you can have that outcome. Iā€™ve seen it before, not commonly but also not so rarely. Often itā€™s in someone who has gotten really used to living with a hearing loss.

Did you read through the lines how his clinician retested at least three times though? Across two appointments, twice through I inserts and once through tdh. She was also apparently in disbelief, and doesnā€™t sound sloppy.


Word rec; You canā€™t just get used to living with your hearing loss and get 96% AT your threshold of hearing when youā€™re basically missing everything beyond 2k.

SRT: at 85 when OP supposedly canā€™t hear anything at 85 is another story.

Either OP fibbed their way through the test for some reason, misunderstood the direction, the test was performed incorrectly, or the audiometer was not working properly. It being a valid test isnā€™t realistic in any world IMO

EDIT: only way WRS to be at 96% with that loss assuming AC testing was accurate, is if OP knew what words were coming. Same with SRT


Just back from the AuD. Mon. 8Removed the compression and upped the gain to 85%. Big difference, muffeled speech is gone, lisp is much less noticable.

After 5 days, increased gain 6db (3 clicks) all sound is clear, although just slightly loud. After about 2 days sound level normalizes and i boste it one click.

Not really familar with the nuances discussed in posts. All i know is without the new HAā€™s i he
ar virtually nothing. If tv is at 80 i can hear it, but it sounds wierd, misding all hgh freqā€™s. (Wife likes it at18) Iā¹ trust my AuD, she has a very good reputation. She says i am unusal, but not 3unique.

Go back on the 7th for second post fitting visit. She intends to raise gain to full scrip. Should be interesting. Indicated that she intends on doing REM during that visit if i can tolerate the full volume.


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Had 4th follow-up visit today. Aids are set at 90% and work well, adjusting was not as difficult as i expected. She did an aided booth test with speakers and all frequencies were either 5 or 10 db. Needless to say she was pleased. She then did a recorded word recognition test and the score was 92% at 50db. Again very happy. Vents have been plugged for about 4 weeks, nut the plugs keep comming out. Replaced them witg round tooth pick pieces. The AuD is ha ing the ear molds remade, slightly longer and without vents. Will be interesting to see if tbelack if the vent any accoustical difference.