After much (too much) visited AuD for the first time a week ago. Bad results, she had me come back for another test, equalky bad. Suggested phonak nadia luminity PR with skeliton ear molds. Not what i expected loss is in the high severe to low profound range. Has anyone experienced new HA’s with this level of loss?? She indicated that it could take up to 6 months for me to adjust to the full gain. Is this realistic?? Wanted RIS’s, but she said they would not work. Comments aporeciated.
Welcome to the forum, could you post your audogram so we can see what the fuss is about.
Posting audiogram (Top of page, click on FORUM, then click on My Hearing Tests) would be helpful.
What you reported sounds pretty realistic. It is likely to take some time to adjust to sounds being louder again. Do you know your word Recognition Scores?
In what way were the tests bad?
on Audiogram, 3K and up loss exceeded range of instrument (downward arrows on print-out
Yeah, “bad” is a decent way to describe that audiogram. Not trying to be an alarmist but it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get evaluated for cochlear implant. Word Recognition Scores would be helpful.
Welcome to the forum.
The down arrows mean there was no response. It’s saying you don’t have hearing in those frequencies.
Your audiologist is correct in my opinion.
The Phonak Naida PR aids are not what I would recommend. The Naida Lumity UP aids are more in line for your hearing loss using the frequency lowering technology, Sound Recover. Using Sound Recover will bring those lost upper frequencies down into your heating frequencies. This can take time to adjust to but it does work. Using the Naida SP or PR hearing aids just might work with Sound Recovery as well.
I too see you as a possible cochlear implant candidate. Have you considered getting an evaluation?
WRS both ears 96% at 100db, First HAs, Loss was not expected to be that bad. is a six-month adjustment period realistic??
This is way better than expected for the that hearing loss and the down arrows you mentioned.
The UP aids should do well for you set up without Sound Recover.
Thanks for the understanding scores, very helpful.
Great WRS. Hearing aids should really help. Regarding 6 month adjustment period. I think it may very well take that long. It could be quicker. Also possible that you never adjust. Yours is an unusual case with that bad of hearing loss but excellent word Recognition Scores. Not really sure what to make of it. @Neville could you comment on member’s profound hearing loss and excellent WRS?
Yeah it can, but you could adjust in just a few weeks as well, everyone is different, it’s hard to understand that it’s your first set, as in, it wouldn’t be possible to hear at all unaided ?
Oh my gosh! Do you know why you have hearing loss, and is this loss recent or has it been that way for many years?
If it is long time hearing loss it is totally reasonable for things to sound “too loud” at first.
There is a setting on modern hearing aids for acclimation. The hearing aids get a little louder every so often over a set period of time. Any way you do it is going to take some time to get results.
You will get used to them sooner if you can put up with more loud sounds, clanking dishes, even potato chip bags. Only you can say how much is too much though.
Cochlear Implants are an amazing invention and bring hearing to many people who cant get it with hearing aids. If hearing aids dont work out after several months, i would definitely check out cochlear implants. Many insurance plans pay for it.
Developed over many years. Hearing abuse in the 60’s and 70’s. Didn’t ever think about hearing protection. Genetics, and age. AuD thinks noise is the primary cause. Really noticed it when Covid hit. Teams and Zoom calls were difficult. Lip reading did not help since most cameras were off. Figured out how to turn off volume limiter on cell, tjen added amp app on cell and laptop, Kind of self medicating. TV got louder and louder and wife complaied more and more. Finally did something, took about three weeks to get an appointment. First test was bad, AuD had me come back in a week for a retest, same results. HA’s with ear molds come in a couple of weeks. Should be a real treat, i guess.
Yeah. Something is fishy.
With that hearing loss, the original poster would be literally hearing nothing day to day. Is that their actual experience?
That sort of WRS is basically impossible with that sort of loss. WRS can be good if there’s a big conductive overlay, but in that case they need to look at whether they are a surgical candidate.
Nadia PR in no way covers that loss. Maybe the OP just inputted their audiogram incorrectly?
Something is not adding up.
Numbers are what are on the printout they gave me. I guess i will see what happens when i get the HA’s
Is it possible for a screenshot of the audogram? If you don’t mind.
What IS your day to day experience. Do you feel like you hear things?
Yes, but don’t understand much. Use ear buds for cell, computer and tv. Need to see people speaking to understand them. Wife got tired of yelling, so…
Interesting. When the clinician tested your SRT and WRS, was it a tape, or was she speaking? How long do you think your hearing has been like this? How old are you approximately?
If this test really is accurate, you certainly need a trial with Naida UP hearing aids and it will definitely take a lot of time to adjust, but you also need a cochlear implant evaluation.