Anyone experience hearing loss after Covid vaccination?

Thanks for reiterating that point. There’s a reason the best medical trials are done double-blind so that neither the medical personnel administering the treatment nor the patient receiving the treatment know whether they got the actual treatment or the control. The best sources of medical information are the national health centers that accumulate and analyze the trial and field administrations of medication, not anecdotal sources of information that interviewed a few folks here and there for off-the-cuff opinions.

So here’s what the CDC has to say about COVID-19 vaccination safety Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines | CDC

Some folks can say that they are being “attacked” for expressing their opinion. I don’t think it’s personally attacking anyone to say such-and-such a conclusion is not very strong evidence-based reasoning with adequate statistical power to distinguish true differences from statistical flukes. That’s just making an observation.

Like my friend was gravely ill with COVID-19. He took hydroxychloroquine. The next day he had almost completely recovered from COVID. I think it’s just terrible how people are dismissing hydroxychloroquine as an effective treatment for COVID. How can anyone dispute that hydroxychloroquine saved my friend’s life? And I’ve heard lots of other reports from folks who took hydroxychloroquine and did far better with their COVID symptoms.

When people want to believe hydroxychloroquine cures or alleviates COVID, they suck up all the reports where folks got better after taking hydroxychloroquine and tend to ignore all the reports where folks didn’t. Especially when something can happen all the time by itself (folks get better from COVID or get tinnitus or hearing loss), just because it happens to happen after a medical treatment doesn’t prove anything by itself. Correlation is not causation.

To paraphrase a famous quote, originally from Bernard Baruch, that’s taken many forms over many decades ~“everyone is not entitled to their own set of facts,” also, everyone is not entitled to their own brand of “scientific reasoning.”


Anecdotally, tinnitus complaints have gone WAY up at our clinic since the onset of the pandemic. That’s not people who have had covid or have been vaccinated, it’s just everyone.


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Yes. Huge increases in anxiety and depression, or at least a moderate increase in constant background stress from the pandemic to bolster the every day stress of life. Probably isn’t helped by a bit more free quiet time to spend worrying about some sound in your head while you are locked at home.


My wife claims I don’t take this virus seriously, so I just say I refuse to stress about anything that I can’t control. I take common sense precautions and go on with my life.


Yes, more reported cases here too, some are saying they are related to vaccines, others to having Covid, other people say it’s the lockdown.

I’m inclined to believe that everyone is adjusting to some changes of circumstance which is leading to the raised cortisol levels.


I’m struggling to come to grips with this announcement from Phizer… How many millions of people globally have already had 2 and now they most likely have to have another…

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Life is tough in the 21st century. Imagine having to try to keep staying alive by taking yet another vaccine shot (you’re skipping the part of the press release about how effective the Pfizer vaccine is at preventing serious illness and death - of something like 66 million people fully Pfizer-vaccinated, only 74 have died of COVID-19 and something like only 700 and some have become very seriously ill, IIRC - and the fully vaccinated people are predominantly older people who were much more susceptible to begin with than the average person in the population). I’d rather be back in the Stone Age when we didn’t have to worry about the duress of getting vaccinated. We could just die like flies during a pandemic and I loved having just sticks and stones to fend off the big cats back then. Our ancestors had it so easy compared to life today!

BTW, it’s the people who DON’T GET VACCINATED that are going to remain a reservoir for the virus to keep multiplying and mutating. So the more people find reasons to skip out on getting vaccinated and prefer to bet that they’re maybe only going to get a little ill (rather than the absolute horrors of being vaccinated), the longer the virus will last, the more variants, the more misery and economic disaster. Maybe, though, even with our best efforts, this coronavirus will be like influenza, always floating around. A lot of parasites eventually become more benign in their new hosts, the better to mutually co-exist and spread to other members of the species. If you kill your host in short order, like Ebola and MERS and SARS, you have less opportunity to spread. So maybe someday our present threat will have degenerated to something like the flu, which is still lethal but about 10x or more less so than COVID-19 and there will be less import to getting vaccinated.

Edit_Update: Can’t find the article that I originally read but here’s a close summary from Yahoo News. Of 66 million Americans fully vaccinated there were 5,800 “break-through” cases. Of these, ~7% required hospitalization (396 people) and 74 people died. The previous article I read said 700 something were seriously ill - so I guess some of those folks didn’t get hospitalized. Quite different statistics than before the vaccines…

CDC reports 5,800 breakthrough COVID-19 infections in people who were vaccinated. Doctors say, ‘Don’t panic.’ (


I didn’t notice this in the thread, and my apologies if it already has.

If you have a reaction such as hearing loss after your Covid vaccine, it should be reported to the FDA so they can track adverse events. It doesn’t mean the adverse events are caused by the vaccine, only there was some temporal relationship between the two. You can report here

Of note, as mentioned above rare reactions do occur with vaccinations I can testify from personal experience after developing Guillain Barre syndrome after a flu shot. Several weeks in the hospital followed by six months of inpatient rehab. I still have some minor deficits that look permanent after 3 years of no further improvement, but I still encourage people to get their flu shots. During an average flu season about 30,000 deaths are seen.

As to time between shots, you must remember the interval was chosen empirically. You had to pick something. Given this was done in less than a year from concept to large scale testing, and manufacturing infrastructure all occurring at once, there was no time to test varying time between shots. As the UK and Canada have chosen to spread the time between out, we have an essentially new clinical trial to see what the response is like under varying intervals. But as emergency authorization was granted based on the 3 or 4 week interval, it makes sense, for now, to stick with it until more data becomes available.

As to masks for those vaccinated, we’re not by any means out of the woods. There are still some 70,000 new cases in the US every day with 500-800 deaths per day ( that number is coming down). My daughter who just turned 26 had a moderately severe case last April. She still has scarring in her lungs on CT scan and has gone from running a few miles a day to bring short of breath climbing two flights of stairs.

And as to younger population, an acquaintance of my daughter had their own little bubble of close people, and they all pushed for immunization as soon as they were eligible. One young woman, about 25 and in good health, got her second Pfizer vaccine on time. Two weeks later, when “full” immunization kicks in, she still developed Covid and is now in the hospital on a ventilator. 95 % immunity is not 100%, and young people do end up in ICU’s too. We’re not out of this. Masks offer additional protection both for you and your family and friends and neighbors. Taking them off too soon will only delay a return to more normal conditions despite claims by politicians that they’re not necessary.


Hi there hope vaccination went well. I had first jab several weeks ago due to underlying stuff which don’t bother me but was called up so went eagerly and get next one in couple weeks. Not noticed anything regarding affecting hearing. All I got was a couple days of fever and tiredness for maybe a week. I used to my benefit getting my fella to do jobs round the house. Seriously tho I havnt noticed it having make any difference at all to my hearing. The COVID thing has been pretty dire all round and I just think if the vaccines help to improve everything then we go for it. Cos of it all I can’t get see audio but previous to jab hearing in left ear always seemed worse than graph showed and gradually now to point that at conversation level I can’t seem to detect anything n not just in mid frequency as without aids could hear higher and lower pitch noise before. Maybe just age but nothing to do with vaccine n I would persuade even the most doubtful to just go ahead. Good luck and forge ahead. I’d rather a couple days of fever than getting the actual thing. Grrrrrrr where and when will it get to normal. Best wishes J :heart_eyes_cat::paw_prints::paw_prints:

Ps. I’ve seen some replies including those which highlight some cases where people seemingly have fared less well than expected. There is always a risk with new vaccines and indeed other medical treatment. On the whole there havnt been too many dire reactions considering the millions who have had the jabs. It has to be weighed up when we consider how many have contracted the virus and not made it and also the survivors who now are compromised with complications. We hear of those who have reacted badly from the jab but these cases are far and few between compared to the losses if we take actual percentages into consideration. I would encourage that for the minute risk it’s worth it. J🐾


My wife has had both her COVID shots, and I am considering if and when I get mine. Have any of you heard of the COVID shots affecting hearing. I already wear aids but I don’t want my hearing to degrade further.


I got my pfizer in Feb.
Since about a week after the first doze, I started having severe tinnitus to the point that it wakes me up. Plus episodes of severe vertigo.

They’ve done many tests on me. Hearing tests. VNG (or something) test.

But they haven’t figured out what is wrong with me. It’s driving me crazy.

Were you tested for COVID subsequent to this illness? Based on your symptoms it sounds quite possible you may have contracted the virus in the period immediately prior to your vaccination.

I have not seen well-documented reports of COVID vaccination affecting hearing. On the other hand, it is believed that COVID itself can cause tinnitus. It is possible that individuals experiencing an onset of tinnitus apparently coincident to vaccination may have contracted relatively asymptomatic COVID prior to vaccination (or prior to achieving sufficient benefit from vaccination).

I’d say so. Anecdotally I see tons of questions regarding what seem to be stress related conditions on another forum I follow. Especially heart rate and palpitation concerns.


Many people have begun researching pathology and physiology to a depth they have never previously attempted and will be struggling to determine what is “normal” for themselves. It totally makes sense that a portion of these people will become aware of sensations (like palpitations) or perceptions (like tinnitus) they had previously been unaware of. Hopefully they meet a compassionate response from whatever practitioner they seek help.

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I’ll summarize first. Following shows that SSHL occurs less often after vaccine than in general population. So, yes, some peope will have SSHL after receiving vaccine, but there’s no reason to think the vaccine caused it.


Agree with OP that shutting down discussion or name-calling is a disservice & does not help us Follow the Science. When the (Covid) vax administration moved from a Clinical Trial (that intentionally excludes certain groups, including Elders) there are some additional Adverse Events that become visible. In an ideal science-based society, there would be rapid independent follow up on these events, especially any that are serious or fatal. Unfortunately, politics & profits tend to influence the funding of follow up research, so there is generally a Time Lag. Yes, the serious post-vax events are Rare. Yes, your safety risk is better with the vax than with Covid. Nonetheless, if f/u research is done quickly, it can help identify what additional risk factors exist for some people & then better Triage can steer those few people to a different intervention. I am part of a FB group that reads & discusses SARS CoV2 & Covid research papers. For example, one recent JAMA paper just came out on a severe anaphylactic shock event post-mRNA vax for a person previously undiagnosed with being allergic to PEG . Now, this research update can be circulated & integrated into pre-jab triage protocol, to prevent others from going into severe anaphylaxis. Science is not a Conspiracy Theory, but needs to be followed, even when it shows something unpopular.Preliminary Analysis of Association Between COVID-19 Vaccination and Sudden Hearing Loss Using US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System Data | Vaccination | JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery | JAMA Network


“Science” needs to be peer reviewed and corroborated and verified and eventually consensus arrived at. Sometimes “science” takes a long time until a certain hypothesis turns out to be right.
“Science” does not need to be “followed”. That’s too authoritarian for my liking. Sounds like believing in something. Just the facts ma’am.
Sorry…trigger words. I get triggered by authoritarianism from whatever angle. I am certainly no expert in any particular scientific field and do listen and “follow” the current recommendations as they unfold. “needs to be followed” triggered this response is all. :slight_smile: