Another test, another drop and new Oticon Intent hearing aids!

So I decided to change Audiologist after almost 6 years. After getting tested recently, I had to realize another almost 6-10 decibel decline across the board. The wild part is my conductive loss seems to of improved a bit at certain frequency’s. Air bone gap now averages 32.5 on right and 27.5 on left.

Several things have happened:

Was tested for the “Heat shock protein test” and luckily that came back normal. The dr said it doesn’t rule out other “mutations” of hearing loss, that still can’t be tested…All this has me worried as I’ve had 5-10 loss almost each year for almost 4 years now. Every time I get a hearing test I was told “don’t worry this won’t continue” “it will plateau shortly”…….im 43yrs old and not a nice situation to be stressing over.

I was always in Oticon and decided to grade to Oticon Intent……I have to say the first day everything sound amazing. A touch loud but got better. The problem I’m having is not only in noisy situations but even at home with tv on and people chatting. The loudest sound seems to the taking over and I struggle with anything even slightly lower - whether tv or person speaking.
Could it be to brand and the Oticon 1 was better for me (even with new extended loss?)

Even by using the other settings like “comfort” and “speech and noise”…….the only thing that I’m wondering is the dome choice. I was always in double and then power. This Audi tells me with my loss that “open” is way better for clarity.

Would love to hear anyone similar situation or just simple advise. Feeling a little discouraged and fearful for the future.

Thanks in advance.

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Your post is really interesting. You’ve been more thorough that I have.
I was with my dispensing audi for about 2 years. My hearing aids didn’t work. They werent set up right.
We parted; it was overdue. I found someone knew. From the first his setup was much better. A wrinkle…my hearing aids are supplied by workman’s compensation. There are restrictions in what they will pay for. I’m delighted he took me on.

After I was in his care I had a full hearing test. No REM though. My hearing test was 10to 20 dB worse than what my audi had reported.

Now, more on topic. I’ve never liked the Power Domes. My new service provider has me using closed domes (they have 2 small vents). I’m getting along well with these. My hearing aids were checked by Phonak and both were replaced.

Prior to all this my hearing got worse too…hope this helps.


Hi. How long did it take you to get to your loss level now. Have you been wearing aids long? Would you also drop each year consecutively?

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I don’t know if it’d help you or not with the issue of the loudest sounds seem to take over everything else, but try adjusting the Sudden Sound Stabilizer to the various settings to see if that helps. They have 5 settings → low, normal, high, very high and max.

My audiologist has told me he isn’t concerned with the 5 to 10 db changes with my hearing loss as that is within the parameters of testing errors. I have come to understand that as over the last 6 years I have seen my hearing test show a 10db± difference from test to test. I am checked at least every 6 months. And you are seeing my average in my audiogram. My audiologist is surprised that my high frequency isn’t worse as I am 76 almost 77 years old. I firmly believe that the most important thing is an audiologist that I can trust and that knows and understands my hearing loss and needs. Aids are secondary as connectivity is almost at the bottom of my requirements.
I have been wearing Oticon aids the last 14 years and hearing aids for 20 years. In that 20 years I have had 5 audiologists. 3 of them I only saw once each because of moving or my distrust of the person. The other two were my favorites one was for over 8 years and the on i have now for 6 years.

My hearing loss is due to exposure to loud noise. 3M about '72-'88. Long periods at 110 dB. They smartened up in the mid '80’s and offered hearing protection, and did hearing studies.
I started wearing hearing aids in '02 or so. I had one way back.
They identified I was a candidate for workman’s compensation. I qualified a few years later. I lost about 5% a year.

Tinnitus too…like 2 high school orchestras tuning, each trying to be louder.


My loss as I finally understand it is a combination of genetics and loud noise in my childhood through my military service years. Guns and jet engines mostly. I was shooting high powered rifles and handguns in my preteens and up. Then in the Navy I traveled the world in military cargo jets without any hearing protection. And none was even offered. I used cotton balls but that wasn’t much better and not until I already had screaming tinnitus. I got off a military flight from Andrews Air Force Base in the DC into Jakarta indonesia on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving 1975 and i have had tinnitus 24/7/365 every since. I didn’t pay my hearing loss any attention until I was asked not to scream on the phone in 1999 when I changed careers. And didn’t get aids until 2004 the VA kicked in in 2006. Back then the benefits board took it’s sweet time and tried every trick in the book to deny me my aids. I pulled an ace card and contacted my representative and senators. Both were veterans and the representative was on the oversight board of the VA. I was approved within 3 months after I talked to the representative.


And now, a patient can just about walk into an audiology clinic, and get fitted!
It took me about 6 months, just to get into the healthcare system, get a PCP exam, and referral to audiology.
Than it took another few months to get aids.
Oh, the times, they are a changin’!

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Generally, if you said you used it for 4yrs. My guess is that you where fitted with an OPN
in Genie there is a way to transfer to new instrument. I had to assume you where fitted with

Did you have a chance to get Rem auto fit. Or check your fitting using real ear measurement ?

It might be worth seeing an ENT and/or having genetic testing for hearing loss. Not all insurers cover it but some do.

The test-retest variability others mention is not the same as trending down.

That’s like cpap and Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

I just upgraded to intent 2 from opn s. I wasn’t satisfied with the amount of improvement. After 2 weeks I went to intent 1. There is a difference., just a bit more sparkle.

Seems to be better in crowded environments, but it’s still early.

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I went to a major university for my first hearing evaluation. They recommended the Oticons. My mother in law has Oticons and I help her a lot. Of all the hearing aid apps, their is the most primitive of all the hearing aid apps. You can control the volume, but that is it. You cannot change the noise level, wind level, or select from any present environment. I went to Costco got what I feel is a better exam and the app has more settings than you will ever use…

Just remember what features are available in the app do depend on what features are activated in the HAs.

I wear Oticon aids and have for 14 years. My takevis this if you have to have the app then your aids aren’t fitted correctly for your needs and your audiologist hasn’t done the proper job.


Not necessarily true. I stick by the fact thst if you need the app then your audiologist hasn’t fitted the aids correctly.


Well in some cases true, but if you want to change noise reduction and Beam forming etc this can for some people be helpful with an App.

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I started wearing aids 20 years ago, no programs, no apps, no connectivity, not even volume adjustments. While I do like the volume controls I prefer not even thinking about my aids once I put them in my ears.
Yes connectivity is nice, but I seldom even realize that i have an app. What is nice about the Oticon beta app is that is works in the background without even being opened and it automatically sets my volume, my equalizer settings. I may open it once a week to check my wearing history. My feelings remain the same if you have to have the app with the INTENT1 aids then your audiologist hasn’t done his job.
By the way if i needed directional then I just look at the person talking and my aids know to focus on the conversation with that person. The 4 sensors are wonderful.


For a flat 60dB mixed loss they’re talking drivel.

There’s a lot of nonsense spouted about venting and dome selection: someone on the Facebook page (claimed Audiologist) was talking utter drivel about the necessity for canal moulds for any fitting of 40dB at 2KHz.

You ‘need’ a fairly occluded fitting: closed/power dome might be enough, but personally when I see losses like yours now, I tend towards a shortish canal mould/sleeve for the 85dB receiver. I wouldn’t necessarily go to the 100dB receiver unless you’ve got massive canals or are really struggling for loudness. First fit, domes (try the Starkey mushrooms), then move to acrylic canal moulds with a small pressure vent for a better fit/loudness/retention.

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Thanks for your response.

  1. I’m unsure what a canal sleeve is?

  2. When none of my hearing thresholds go below 75. Just curious why you say possibly 100 db receiver? (Excuse my ignorance but trying to educate myself) but regarding sound I almost feel like I’ve too much - but only in busy situations. Not in general.

  3. I tried molds before but I felt they kept popping out a small bit and I would constantly find myself pushing them back in. Is there an exact type you’d recommend? (I meet Audi this week and like to be some way ready!)
    Thanks again.