Another test, another drop and new Oticon Intent hearing aids!

1 - It’s a moulded piece of silicone/acrylic that just covers the length of the receiver. Different manufacturers call them different things, but essentially it’s a receiver enclosure that still shows you where the receiver is, unlike a fully enclosed C-Shell type.
2 - Flat losses in (larger) canals are notorious for needing more bass. An 85dB receiver should comfortably cover it, but the option to go more powerful is there.
3 -Retention is down to a few things: Receiver wire length, dynamic TMJ function, the shape and slippiness of your canal, sweat, mould material, mould dimensions, how good the fit is etc. Some people just prefer the ease of domes too. It’s not a popular opinion on this board, but there’s loads of people walking around with losses like yours on a standard double power dome

Ask to try what works for you: if it doesn’t give a satisfactory fit/level of gain, get other options lined up.

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In correct… I had a long talk with an audiologist at a very large university in Central Ohio. They program hearing aids based on an average. Which may work freat in one environment, but not another.

If I find myself entering a very noisy environment I can tell the app to crank up the noise filter. If I go to a concert, I can tell my app that I am listening to music and it makes the appropriate adjustment.

With Oticon hearing aid you can set volume and find my hearing aid. But you can not make any changes to wind noise or any other environmental changes. You can look at their app in the app store and see the functionality and options available.

They program aids on and average which is stupid and lazy on their part. My audiologist and I worked on getting my aids properly adjusted for my needs not the needs of the average person. Hearing aid users are so upset and give up on wearing aids because their needs isn’t met. At the price most pay for their aids they need individual attention to their needs. My aids are from the VA system and you can guess the number of veterans that need aids, but my audiologist was willing to take the time to listen to my needs and to adjust my aids to my individual needs and not just the average. I don’t need extra programs, I don’t need the useless app. It can be done but it isn’t possible to do it on a wam bam thank you for $7000 dollars and I hope you never come back type of business platform.


I had the genetic testing done and “luckily” all came back negative…….