Amplifon + Audiologist Problems

I’m new to HearingTracker and am buying hearing aids for myself and my husband for the first time—-long overdue. But I’ve been deeply researching hearing aids on and off since 2011. And had an attempt back then, and a very bad audiologist experience when I bought HAs in 2013 that ended up with me without aids.

Our insurance through Cigna last year covered 2 HAs each through Amplifon. In 2021 I tried to get HAs through Amplifon, but the audiologist when I had an appointment simply said, “I like these,” and handed me a pair of Signia aids. I was stunned that that was the extent of the discussion of what aids would be best for me. I didn’t follow through.

So late in December, I was finally getting around to choosing aids for both of us, again through Amplifon. We have similar profiles—-mild, sloping to severe in high frequencies, quite bad at making out words in real life). I waited until late in December to do it, as I had been through a cascade of medical issues. In 2024 our coverage through Amplifon is only for one aid.

In our appointment to choose the aids, which was online, I said that I was interested in the Optician Real. (My husband is a musician, and we both are deeply in love with music, especially live in NYC). But the audiologist simply said that we should get the ReSound Nexia, because it was a newer technology. I said that I wanted a t-coil, but she was dismissive about that, she said that venues had earphones for people! She simply said that she would order the ReSound Nexia for both of us.

She also said that we would have to chose a service package, ranging between $1,500-$2,500. What??

Shortly after that, I called back to tell her that I absolutely wanted a t-coil and asked for a call back, which I never received. I then found out that insurance said we couldn’t get the Nexia, so the audi chose the Omnia for us without consulting me.

I called Amplifon to see how the audiologist was reimbursed for service and the aids. They didn’t know what the audiology office was paid for the aids, but said that when they gave us service, they were to bill Cigna (last year, Aetna this year) for the service. (I bet that that isn’t true).

I spoke to the audiologist on the phone about the fact that I called her last week to change my order, saying that I definitely wanted a t-coil! When she said that they couldn’t be changed, I said what about during the mandatory 45 day trial period? She said that could work.

When my husband had his appointment for the fitting Friday, the office gave him a sheet with the service packages they were offering, from $250 per appointment to 3 other packages from $1,275 (1 year to $2,595 3 years). They told him that we had to sign for a package by 4 pm that day!

I called Amplifon again, and they said that this was not their policy and they would call the audiology office to discuss it.

When I went in for my fitting, the owner came in and after a few pleasantries, got quite emphatic and nasty. She said that Amplifon over the years has reduced their payments and that I couldn’t chose the $250 per appointment; I’d have to chose one of the more expensive packages! And that I couldn’t take the aids without signing for a package.

I tried to be understanding of the situation with Amplifon, thinking maybe we could compromise. But she wasn’t having it. She said that if I wanted service through Amplifon, I’d have to go someplace far from NYC for only 3 visits, “I don’t have an audiologist here who takes Amplifon.” She said if I wanted different aids with t-coil, I wouldn’t get coverage for this year, it would be only covering one aid. All said with an angry tone like a mad cat that left a very bad taste in my mouth.

And again, the audiologist said that her patients didn’t really need the t-coil! Maybe I’d be fine without it, but given that I’ve had severe hearing problems, why leave that out as an option to help?

So I’m left wondering if it’s worth it at all to go through Amplifon. Yes, it would save us a lot of money, but . . . it seems that I won’t get anywhere with this office through Amplifon except to accept their parameters.

Plus, I’m fed up with having run into multiple audiologists over a number of years being dismissive of spending time discussing my needs, what I want, and choosing aids according to that, even when we had insurance for $5,050 in 2013.

Unfortunately, Costco is too far from us.

So now I’m left with taking these aids with a service package, with by now only a 30 day trial, with no real option to chose another model, or simply buying out of pocket, assuming that I could find an audiologist who was willing to spend some time with us, which so far has been elusive.

On top of that, after doing a deep dive on Hearing Tracker about Amplifon, I read about how they usually lock the HAs, so we couldn’t optimize the aids ourselves or with another audiologist!! And how they usually chose the aids our audiologist chose for us without any discussion. Yikes.

Someone on Hearing Tracker said that HA insurance pits patients against providers and lets them fight it out. That seems to be true. But even out of pocket, how to find and audiologist who cares to listen to the patient and truly offer choice?


Spellcheck turned Oticon (if it comes out right) to Optician!

In situations like this they are “never” too far away, I’m sorry but you simply won’t get the service and fantastic deals anywhere else, you need to run and never return to this sub par clinic, 30 day trial is not enough, the fact that both of you guys need HAs (could you post your audiogram, this would be extremely helpful for everyone) is enough to make me think for the sake of your love of music and no doubt social life to get this sorted, I’d like to make another point, severe or profound you “can” do without t-coil, this is no longer a serious requirement for this level of loss anymore, bluetooth microphones and tv streamers, smartphones for calls is more then adequate, the Jabra
(ReSound) at Costco have LE Audio with Auracast just released, this is the way forward now, and of course none from Costco and actually most HAs are not locked, sure quite a few odd ball rebranded models are, but don’t go there, stick to what you read people use here on hearingtracker, get real world reviews based on people who actually use HAs, not from people who only sell them.


if you don’t have a way to get to Costco, try They sell many brands of hearing aids and work with a network of local audiologists. They are not high pressure sales and their discounted prices include fittings and one year of service. You can see the price of all the aids they sell on their web site. I would run away from the people you are using as fast as you can!!



Thank you, thank you, thank you!! That’s extremely helpful; that’s why I came to Hearing Tracker.

I see online that actually you can do everything completely virtually if you buy the Jabra HAs from Costco. I don’t know if it’s better to go in person for the first visit, but actually the website says that Jabra is handling all of the services virtually, and they send the aids to you with different domes and the charger. And as you say, their 3-year service and loss and damage warranty is unparalleled.

It’s also good to know that the t-coil isn’t really necessary, although I would think that it still could be helpful in some venues. The Jabra doesn’t have it, but maybe it’s not even used that much anymore.

Yes, the audiology office that I went to that was in Amplifon’s network, they were simply “selling” aids, and that was their main purpose, especially the owner. Yikes, she was awful when she turned on me. As someone said, I think Amplifon engenders such anger because they pay so little.

Question: If I get the Jabra and the service is all virtual, can they do as good a job as Real Ear Measurements? Maybe with their software that is possible?

Thank you, again; I’m grateful for your knowledge and experience.

I will post our audiograms later.

ray lock 1,

Thank you, yes I’ve seen info online about I’ll look into it. Yes, upfront clarity about costs and service would be far greater than the opaque, high pressure sales craziness that I ran into. Also, the audiologist was so young, she obviously had no experience with hearing loss. On top of that she was only in 2 days per week.

Jabras P20 are actually rebranded Resound Nexias, the technology that they contain will supersede telecoil eventually.
Amplifon’s nastiness and sales tactics is what turned me away from audiologists and pushed me into doing everything on my own [buying and programming, which is not for everyone of course].
They’re predatory and will price gouge you [opaque pricing models are ALWAYS about price gouging] to the last drop.
If I had access to Costco [ I do not where I live currently] I wouldn’t think twice.

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Yeah this is only something that you would be able to know, because for some (like us DIY people) we don’t worry about REM, but for others it’s important, you need to go in person because you cannot buy online from Costco, get the REM to start with (it’s part of the fitting process at Costco anyway I believe) so now we get to the further adjustments problem (if needed ,sometimes they just work straight away and your happy!) it’s going to be a little bit of a hassle going back and forth between Costco for this, so this is where remote support can help, also DIY projects is another option, you’ll need to do your research before jumping in on this, but plenty of us here to help you along if you choose to go this route, also the Jabra website models are not quite the same as the models sold at Costco, OTC vs Prescription type, so just go into Costco,get REM,get the follow up remote support and hopefully you’ll have everything sorted, plus you still have the DIY option at any time in the future.

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i think that your internet search directed you to the Jabra OTC hearing aids.

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So is the info online about the Jabra from the Costco website accurate, ie, the pricing and are the Jabra aids therefore the rebranded (?) ReSound Nexia?

Approximately how many visits are usual to get the HAs optimized to REM (including getting used to HAs for the first time)? I suppose some could be in-person visits, and some virtual. It’s just that for us, going to any Costco is at least an hour’s trip and major parking problems on either end. Or major subway and bus trips. I’m somewhat disabled, so that would probably be out. Plus, the time crunch. However, it
does sound like Costco is a much better option.

And yes, Amplifon is awful!!

The other question is, yes the Auracast will be the new technology, but probably won’t be in use for 10-15 years from what I read. In the meantime, wouldn’t telecom help in large venues? Or is the other new technology sufficient for most people without it? It sounds like maybe yes.

The other option for us would be if we could work something out with the audiology office where we went from Amplifon, which is around the corner from us. That would be some kind of compromise of sorts from Amplifon and the audi office and us. And we would have the ReSound Omnia, level 9----and a shorter trial (it’s already 1 1/2 weeks into our supposed trial period of 45 days, and I still don’t have my aids; my husband got his on Friday.

But that is such a boondoggle with Amplifon and the audi office! And if they weren’t right for me or us, we would then have coverage for 1 aid apiece through Amplifon this year.

Are the Jabra aids from Costco up to a level 9 of Omnia (albeit without Auracast).

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REM, this is done on the first visit.

Yes it’s correct, and yes they are rebranded ReSound Nexia.

Yes that’s entirely possible, and most likely way.

No not that long, it’s already started, over the next 24 months you’ll see this become mainstream, it might be 10 years for every single place to have it like everywhere, but all the main places and players will be much sooner then that, and that’s Auracast for public places, LE Audio is here right now, but you shouldn’t base your purchase on whether the HAs support it or not, BLE bluetooth is available everyday and everywhere, I don’t know but are you android or iPhone, as MFi on iPhone is well and truly implemented in HAs, and yes loop system is still available just not everywhere, a bit hit and miss unfortunately.

Costco only sell the premium models, only Jabra (ReSound) is offering Auracast at the moment I believe, you could still try out the Phillips or Rexton models that they sell, we still don’t know what level of loss you have, but I guess if you’ve gone this long without, possibly it’s mild moderate?

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If you don’t mind my asking, what specific advantage are you looking for from the telecoil? We still don’t know your level of loss but if your goal is concerts you may still have the best experience continuing to listen to them without hearing aids in or with them set to a personalized concert program as many hearing aids allow custom programs via your phone now.

Personally I never use the telecoil because in telecoil mode I cannot hear any environmental sounds which is annoying in just about every scenario I would use it and also makes me feel isolated in public settings.

Modern Bluetooth integration lets me set the balance of how much environmental sounds I get vs the streaming sounds to my ears so I can up one or the other based on my needs. It’s much more flexible.

I was thinking about the Metropolitan Opera House, NY Philharmonic, and mid-sized halls, like Broadway theaters, cathedrals, etc. For the first two, I doubt that the orchestras mic are miked, they create enough sound naturally! We don’t go to Broadway much, but we do go to smaller music venues, plus outdoor concerts.

You are probably right that it wouldn’t help that much in many of those situations. This is my first time to successfully gat aids, so I’m learning the ropes. I have read a ton about it all over the years.

I did post my audiogram a while ago tonight. I couldn’t figure out how to post most of the bone conduction and word recognition results, although they’re there. I’ll try again.

I’m in the process of posting my husband’s audiogram. I’m doing the leg-work for him, because he’s slammed with work. He doesn’t have the time or energy to put into this kind of research for aids. But he does need them. He had sudden hearing loss in one ear in recent years. No treatment helped. Plus, the other one has loss, too. What a pair; we’ve been together most of our adult lives, but we keep mis-hearing, or not hearing what the other is saying—arghh. I haven’t heard a bird in years (that’s sad!).

So we may not need telecoils (spellcheck is making it telecoms); I just knew that in some instances halls do have the technology for it. And I need all the help I can get, especially with word recognition: I can’t hear consonants!

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It’s great you are making this happen at last! Now that you have posted your audiogram you should get more targeted responses. I really don’t think a telecoil makes sense in a concert venue unless you want to hear only the sound and have no way of talking to others. If you can get one then of course, why not, but I wouldn’t base your choice off it being there.

Your audiogram looks pretty flat and I’ve heard that tends to be less complicated to fit and correct so holds that holds true for you.

Also, I forgot to mention before but your experience with Amplifon sounds horrendous! I’ve been fortunate to have amazing audiologists and fitters so far but I hear stories like yours and am grateful I’ve not run into that. I hear really good things about Costco so if you can make it happen that does seem like a good option.

Edit: I have terrible memory and your audiogram is a bit more sloped than I remembered when I looked at it first. Still a nice gradual slope though and well within the range for correction by the hearing aids at Costco.

Yeah your loss is moderate to severe, it’s those mid/higher frequencies that gives you bird song, and again why you guys are “miss hearing” each other, those lower frequencies give you the bass…boom sound’s, but as been mentioned any of the hearing aids from Costco will be suitable, a good idea if possible getting custom molds with a vent would be the icing on the cake, however it would mean another trip back in a couple of weeks after the first visit, because it’ll take that long to have them made usually, so go for it, let the audiologist/HIS at Costco do the first fit up, which models are up to you,they may recommend one over the others tho, so you should be able to have a quick trial of each around the warehouse which may help you choose.

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tenkan (spellcheck makes it tendon!), I can’t thank. you enough!! This is all so helpful. Yes, I guess that I got to a Jabra website while looking for Costco Hearing Center, that’s where I got the info that it was all virtual.

That’s great that they can do the REM in the first visit. When my husband asked for it at the audi office on Friday, she said not for the first visit, she put it at 70% (volume, I think), so it wasn’t overwhelming for him. It was loud to him at first. It will take an adjustment. The Omnia that he was trialing made his guitar sound terrible when he played. Not sure if that needs an adjustment or it’s getting used to hearing all of the squeaks on the strings.

That’s great to hear that Auracast will be implemented sooner than I had read.

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As mentioned already Costco sells only the highest levels, and Nexia (Costco’s P20) superseded Omnia.

I have higher degree of hearing loss than you (but a similar, high frequency one) and I’ve never even though about using telecoil. Sometimes I just have to decrease loudness a bit at venues.

Auracast is cheaper to introduce into venues than telecoil and is also of use to non hearing-impaired folks.

Musicians usually require more adjustments, better fit and often a specialized programme.

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Reginald, thank you. I am sold on Costco now, and although I may try the other brands in the store, I think that I’ll likely end up with the Jabra. That’s great to have the confidence that we don’t need t-coils.
Yes, both of us may need more adjustments, fit, programs, due to his being a musician, both acoustic and electric bass and guitar, plus singing, and writing music, and playing in quite variable venues.

I am a former dancer and have always totally loved music, and lot of different kinds. So I would be pretty discriminating, also, about programs and adjustments. I would guess that more than one in-person visit for fitting and adjustments would be good for us before going to just virtual appointments.

You guys rock!! You’re all so helpful. What did we do before we had the internet? I remember, but it’s a fairly distant memory by now.


Costco has a decent range to choose from, they also offer Rextons, which are rebranded Signias (and my current HAs) and Phillips (which come from the same company as Oticons)