Had an appointment at an AccuQuest hearing center this morning. I was all set to go with Costco again (currently wearing Kirkland Signature 4.0 HAs since 2012). Although the old HAs have done a pretty good job, dealing with Costco has been another matter. For one thing, visiting them is a 3 hour round trip for me. If not for the HAs I would not get to Costco at all, too far away. Other problems as well.
I found out that my health insurance through work pays for 80% of the cost of HAs and fitting, so decided to investigate alternatives. Checked into AccuQuest and was surprised to hear they are quite a large organization with over 450 stores around the USA. They are owned by the Danish William Demant Company, who is also the owner of Oticon, Bernafon, and Sonic Innovations brands. They sell their own AccuQuest brand that is made by Oticon. They are iPhone / Apple Watch (MFi) compatible without a separate streamer.
They have an office that is only about 15 miles away so it is very convenient compared to Costco for me.
Vince the HAD checked my ears with an otoscope and took pics to show me. Clean as a whistle after my cleaning them with the EarRX cleaning stuff I have. All pink, almost zero wax and no evidence of irritation or disease. Costco refused to even test me last week because too much wax in my ears (another wasted 3 hour round trip).
Tests were pretty much as I expected, very similar to my audiogram posted here, maybe down 5 db from there. Word recognition was 70-80%. We talked a lot and decided on their RIC model c05 which is equivalent to Oticon OPN MiniRite I believe. I can upgrade to the c07 or c09 during the 45 day trail period if the c05 isn’t up to the job.
He took impressions for ear molds and I go back in a couple weeks for them. Cancelled my upcoming appointment with Costo.