How does a patient’s fitting tweaks get documented by the practitioner.
Suppose I go five time in a year, and each time based on my complaints, and possibly some short testing, tweaks are made. Sometimes they are made to large swatches of frequencies.
Sometimes only a few bands are touched. Some adjustments were larger than others - and some fixes were made via the software “fix” prompts.
One round of adjustments involved changes to a few of the MODES.
Some adjustments also were to address how beep tones, and buttons behaved.
While most involved the all important sound processing.
As I said, some adjustment were made directly in the gain/frequency table, and others were done by varying sliders in several categories of behavior within modes.
Then I come back for a sixth time, explaining that in some ways the results were better after the FOURTH visit, and one thing I liked from even earlier, and some problems now exist since I have been there, but some things are better.
Is the practitioner able to decipher based on notes made, what the positive and negative tweaks were? DO PRACTITIONERS ACTUALLY MAKE DETAILED ENOUGH NOTES to ACCURATELY ROLL BACK SPECIFICS ? If so, how are those notes made - in how fine a resolution? I mean, just noting “globally lowered high frequencies” is not specific enough to revert back. If changes were made in multiple screens, it will be very time consuming to check each saved session to see exactly HOW they varied. That kind of comparison I think even I would be too lazy to do. I wonder if it being the pro’s expertise and native language if they would have an effective way to retrace each and every one of their steps in each session.
From my limited experience with this kind of thing… from reading the pro’s body language … the impression I got was that it was just guestimates and that also, that possibly under X circumstances probably would have done Y changes. But this suggests that either the full potential of all possibilities was not considered previously or could be overlooked in resetting now.
As I question this, it is with the expectation of one of two possible replies:
A: Good question - and in fact we have a very detailed table of changes that we complete with each and every patient visitor, that table is permanently saved and has charts that are required to be filled in tailored to the specific software, and which include, not just the main insertion gain tables, but also every mode and every custom parameter, so we have the ability to overlay those changes, and analyze retroactively exactly what worked and what was less desirable. This is why it pays to come to a pro!
B: Well things are very fluid and infinitely changeable. At each junction, the practitioner will try to do the best possible fitting based on all the data available in the patient’s history, the patient’s feedback then and now, and the practitioner’s own immense insight built over countless hours of training and practice.
IF your answer is A - then please show me, send me, or PM me, examples of those charts you refer to, it would mean a lot, and not only help me in my own record keeping, but go a long way in establishing my trust and value in the industry.
IF your answer is B - then may I suggest you might be interested in hiring me to write your ad copy, customer out-reach, and in general handle all your PR, since I am probably a cut above what you are currently getting, and I certainly can help train your crew to make your clients feel that they are treated better (even if they are not!).