You have more courage than me! I’d have tinkered with the current aids only after getting the NEW ones all set up and working to my satisfaction!
Then I’d be more emboldened to play around with my older set. If ANYONE here absolutely needs both a daily and backup pair of aids working in tip-top order it’s me. I truly take the cake for needing aids to even roll out of bed in the morning.
Ahhh! so you HAVE A PATIENT CHART?!?
well I am my only patient, so I don’t.
What I myself am confused about is that considering how any note that a human might make, could at times fall victim to entry error, distraction, interruption and more.
WHY would I prefer that, over the computer program’s record keeping.
Also, if one in a thousand chances for a mistake, why argue a point that should not even be debated.
Anyway, I have come to the realization that this forum is taking a lot of my time, and affecting my productivity and my day. It is all good, but I just have to have a bit of discipline… so will be absent for the next week to focus on other tasks. Wishing you all a great week and to hear better!