Worth it to aid?

Thank you so much, Sigo Esperanza. I know sometimes it is a strain, and taking away my energy and my ability to do more. Even my 13 year old daughter said that if they make me more comfortable, I should use them. She gets a fair amount "What?"s from me. She’s not putting in her best effort in school consistently, either. Maybe somehow when I get these aids, I can inspire her to do her best by trying to hear my best. The aid I have now is really old, from 2014, but it was tucked away unused for long stretches of time. It’s likely not giving me everything I need. Yes, I am hoping every day that 3-4 weeks somehow becomes 2 weeks, and I’ll get the call to get my aids.


Thank you so much!! I’m so looking forward to this change!!


Thank you so much Dave L!! I remember my grandpa, practically deaf at the end of his life, and he had hearing aids for several years before that. When I was little, he was clearly hard of hearing. I remember my grandma being his interpreter at restaurants. She could speak in exactly a way that he could understand. He first got hearing aids when I was a teenager. They were analog and probably not nearly as good as what’s available now. But I remember that they didn’t do him a lot of good. It seemed like he was so hard of hearing for so long that when he finally got hearing aids it was not easy for him to use them. At the end, he didn’t use them at all. He just couldn’t hear anything. I always said to myself that I don’t want that to happen to me. I will use a hearing aid as soon as I need it and I won’t wait. I’ll keep up with the adjustments and do what I need to do to keep connected to those around me. So, I haven’t exactly followed my resolution at all times up til this point, but I am eager to do so now.


You need to come see a ENT dr and get a CT scan the Dr can ID the cause loss of hearing in the one ear most likely a growth! I know I have one and check it often


The severe loss in the one ear goes back to at least kindergarten if not before. l don’t know any other way. The rest used to be all normal.
Now I have a bit more loss. The areas with mild loss are all from the last few years only.

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@snorkelfan I know exactly how you feel. I really only had my hearing checked to prove to my family that it was normal and was shocked that it was not normal. Then it seemed like a huge amount of money to spend on myself when I felt I was fine. But in a lot of ways it is just as much for the people that you are around all the time. My audiogram is really not that bad, but my family and close co workers can definitely tell (and will complain at me in the case of my family :)) if I am not wearing my HAs for some reason. Do the audis around you offer trials? I had a 60 day trial before I had to pay anything for these latest HAs that I am wearing, which gives you time to figure out if they are a benefit to you.


I’m not sure what the trial rules are, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to keep these when they come in.

The other day in class, a colleague asked me what a word meant. It’s an ESL class. I thought she said “roof”, so I explained it, and she repeated it to me twice, but then she had to spell it for me to understand she said “groove”. I was wearing my old Nera Pro at the time. So, I just know these are going to help me.

Besides that, we have a little artificial pond in the backyard with a small babbling brook type pump. I only hear it when I get real close to it, like stand right near it. I don’t think it’s supposed to be like that.

Even so, like you said, my loss isn’t that bad either. I do think they it will be like you said. Other people will appreciate when I wear the HAs and they won’t find it extravagant at all.


Hi Chirp, You have a reverse slope loss going on there same as me but my one goes down to between 70 and 80. Can I ask what make of aids you have ?

I have oticon Moores - I got them almost 2 years ago, so the Reals and now the Intents have come out since I got these, but I find them fantastic. Before these I had Starkey IIC and there is no comparison - I find these Moores so much better.


Ditto! I could no more go without my hearing aids than I could without my CLOTHES. If I’m in PJs, aids are IN the minute I roll out of bed. I take them out after I inform hubs - “Any more questions before I go DOWN? ROGER! (pardon the pun) Over and OUT.”


I would no more face the day without my HAs than I would without clothes…