Woke to alarm clock beeping?

Except… my alarm clock is set for music. Never had tinnitus that sounds like a high pitch beeping alarm clock. I guess i have entered a new era here where my tinnitus is raging differently? Hoping just a one time event because very distracting. I have become oblivious of my usual tinnitus which is just a high pitch tone, but this beeping makes it really noticeable. Any suggestions? Tnx

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Good news, it wasnt my tinnitus. Bad news, I feel really stupid. It was my brand new work phone. I restarted the phone and the beeping sound stopped. With my hearing i couldnt locate the source of the beep so just assumed it was me. Slap my forehead!


It’s ok.
Simple things become difficult.

Like working in a machine shop many years ago. I couldn’t tell where sounds came from. I’d look left. Right. Up…

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I had a similar problem. Chirps coming from who knows where. I checked all everything I could think of in the house. This included the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. I took them down, listened and removed the batteries and tested them - the batteries were all good.

So I started calling neighbors and friends. The couple who came over immediately pinpointed that the noise was coming from the carbon monoxide detector. Why was it chirping when the battery was good? It was announcing it was 10 years old and needed to be replaced!