Will the Resound Linx BTE recivers fit the resound Alera RIC

Looking for some information on resound Alera. will the Resound Linx recivers fit the resound Alera RIC
And what domes would work with them. I’m not sure if the newer domes would fit the older Alera?

My guess is no. Resound still has some information about Alera on their website, so i would ask them, or ask your audiologist to contact them.

I had those. They were great.

At best, it depends what sort of LINX receivers they are. Resound changed them several times between Linx 1 and Linx Quattro.

Also you have to use the right series of dome for the receiver or you risk it coming off the receiver and staying in your ear canal.

I would just buy new receivers of the exact right type. And the correct domes too.

They are very old and I have Receivers on them. But I’m missing the domes. Not sure what or how to order The correct domes. I can’t do audiologist. They are a little out of my price range. I was hoping someone might know the information about them so I could go hunt so down on the Internet

Yeah so old now, but surefit receiver, for Verso and Alera so could be hard to get online, might have to ask a local clinic to order them in, they’re a bit bulky the NP so you won’t be able to use just any others.