Widex TV Play questions

Just connected my Widex TV Play to my Widex Moment HAs . Great to hear all conversations on TV program!

However, it does drain my HA batteries much quicker.

My question: the TV sound streams through to my HAs 100% of the time if I’m within 100’ of the TV. Even when I’ve muted the TV remote.

Is there an easy way to pause the streaming to have a quick conversation. Additionally, it’s there an, or best practice, easy way to turn it off/on?

Would it work if you turned Bluetooth off via the app?

I went into (iphone) settings & turned off Bluetooth. That did stop streaming. However, to turn streaming back on required turning on Bluetooth & restarting my HAs. Not that big of a deal, just thought there would be a quick & simple process, like a pause button. Maybe not.

Someone else may be able to advise. You don’t want to need to restart your hearing aids every time you listen/talk to people with you. Is there a volume control for tv play, could you turn volume right down or pause tv. I can understand you wanting to hear what’s happening around you.