Widex Moment Bluetooth connection to iPhone running iOS 16.1

Anyone experiencing difficulties in establishing a
widex Moment blue tooth connectin with an Apple i Phone running iOS 16.1? Currently it requires about 3 to 4 battery on/off tries to finally connect. After connection the trnsmission is fine.
Second blue tooth issue is changing from say the i Phone to and i Pad. This is not quite impossible but doe take a bit of time off/on-ing.
Any know of a different technique?
This performance would force me to not redommend Wydex and to go for another HA manufacturer.

I have had my Widex Beyond paired to 3 generations of iPhone across many generations of iOS, up to and including 16.1 without issue. While this is not a direct comparison to the Moment, it does speak to it’s stability. At the 16.1 upgrade, I did have to forget the device and set it up again, though.

I have no experience with connecting to multiple devices, sorry.

I have Widex Moment HAs and an iPad and an iPhone.
I started off using the Widex Moment app on the iPad to control my HAs. I then bought the iPhone and installed the Widex Moment app on the iPhone.
I had lots of connection issues from my HAs to the iPhone but these vanished when I uninstalled the Moment app from the iPad and told the iPad to forget my HAs as a Bluetooth device.
Hence in my experience Widex HAs do not play well when registered as Bluetooth connections with multiple Apple devices