Widex Moment 440 with music

Anyone here wearing widex moment 440,s that have had any luck with a setting for music? Mine are useless for music. Listening in truck or home audio system, they sound like im listening to an am radio.
Ive tried the eq on the app, tried different programs, nothing really helps. Its almost like theres bass blockers installed, and not playing anything below 2k hz is whatit sounds like.
I was searching earlier and seen some people have pure sound on theres. That must be something the audi has to do, and mine didn’t do it. I have downloaded the gps software, and trying to get a noah wireless programmer. Ive been emailing back and forth with the seller. But dont know that I could fix anything without knowing what to do.
I don’t remember my last set of oticon being this bad.
The only way I can listen to music is take 1 hearing aid out, sometimes both. Problem with that, besides being a pain, is if I get a phone call, I have to try to stick them in before it quits ringing.

I have the Widex SmartRIC 440 and they are not the greatest for music especially with domes. The more closed the domes are the better they can be but nothing like say an Air Pod Pro. If you are talking about streaming music you can download an equalizer app that helps more than the 3 band app. I also found a bluetooth headset over the hearing aids (not useful in the car though) like the Zevox one helps with TV and music a lot since the low freq will not escape. I stream to the headset in that case. Maybe a more close dome or even a molded one would help but with open domes the low frequency just escapes. Widex doesn’t seem as good as my Philips were but not that much worse and I seldom listen to music by streaming it. Listening to guitar playing or music from my PC speakers doesn’t seem to be that bad though…just streaming.

Oh if you post your audiogram others might be able to help you more. I can do DIY with the Widex but prefer to let my audi at HearUSA do that since I finally found a pretty good audi that has really helped me. DIY is not for the faint of heart and you need to do lots of reading first. You might try to find and pay an audiologist in your area to help…might cost you $300-500. but worth it if you find the right one.

You need to say what kind of dome you are using, open, closed with venting, power or ear molds with venting or not.

You also didn’t say if your hearing aids have a music program installed.

Your audiogram would be helpful too.

One of the regulars will post the links to music and hearing aids web site.

Thanks for the replies. Ive got closed domes at the moment. Actually I have about every dome for these. My audi isnt much help on this. Hes a real nice old guy, but I think the newer technology is going over his head(mine to ) I sent him an email wanting a copy of my audiogram, but he hasn’t responded. I do remember he didn’t to give me a copy last visit.
I may just try another audi before plunking down more money for a different brand.
The streaming isnt to bad, its when listening to my stereo in my vehicles or house is when its bad.
The only thing that got me thinking, was my last set, which were oticon, were in the ear aids, and these are bte ric aids. Does that make a difference?
As far as speech, there work fairly decent, sounds in general are decent, but on the tinny side. But music is unbearable. Like I said, I have to take them out to listen. Hence why I was thinking they might have built in bass blockers or something. Ive got several thousand dollars in my home theater system, and it literally sounds like a 2.00 transistor radio, but without the aids, its amazing… I just cant hear words in a movie lol.

Absolutely, see if another HCP will work with you for a fee. The person programming your hearing aids can make huge difference.

There is a DIY forum here on this web site if you decide to try programming yourself.

It’s possible that the domes you are currently using leak a bit. So it could make a difference. However, maybe it’s just a programming issue.

See what a different audi thinks.

Note, you didn’t say if there was a music program installed in your hearing aids.

Yes there is a music program, it dont help, makes it louder, but seems to be in the upper frequencies. The wife is at the store, I told her to get me some batteries for my old set of oticons, im gonna see if theres a difference between them.

Link to music and hearing aid web site.


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You might want to try custom ear molds to see if you can get away with one ear mold with a larger vent and one ear mold with a smaller or no vent.

This would kind of replicate using just one hearing aid, yet still having some of the amplification with the hearing aid with the larger vent.

The downside is the chance of feedback.

Perhaps a cheap method is either trying an open dome in one ear and closed dome in the other, or making the vent in one of the closed domes larger.

I have Moment 440s and the streaming quality is, I’d say, poor. However, when playing music with others, the sound quality is very good. So, if it’s streaming quality that’s the problem, I agree with you.

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I play violin and have been comparing Oticon Intents to Widex SmartRIC 440’s. The sound of the violin was unbearable with the Oticons and I learned from some great advice on this and other forums that the Oticons can be greatly improved by essentially disabling many of their “features”. On the other hand, the Widex HA’s were wonderful right out of the box. The sound of my violin was richer and noticeably improved using the PureSound setting.

As far as listening to music, the Widex sounded very good to me, although there was less of a difference with the Oticons.

Neither sounded very good for streaming music. I prefer my AirPod Pros.

I’m going with Widex.

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Widex continues to have a great reputation among practicing musicians. OR anyway acoustic musicians. I like my Signia AX7s for practicing music as well. I’ll trial Widex years from now when it’s time for new aids.

One of the problems we have when discussing ‘listening to’ or ‘playing’ music is that it’s impossible to tell if the person is writing about streaming music or playing an instrument or listening to a live performance, etc. this makes a difference! especially between playing an instrument and listening to streamed music. As is shown in the posts above, and many others.

I thought the main issue was listening to his thousands of dollar entertainment center. Without the hearing aids, it sounded fine. With the hearing aids, it didn’t sound good.

So there was a conflict between using the hearing aids when receiving calls and listening to the home entertainment center without hearing aids.

So what was desired, is to make the hearing aid sound good while listening to the entertainment center using the hearing aids.

Hopefully, a new HCP can make enough improvement to make it right.

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Thats correct.
We live in a little town, and there’s only the 1 audi I use. So I called another about 40 miles from here this morning. Explained to him best I could. He thinks its just a matter of tuning. Said my audi could possibly have pulled the lower bass frequencies down, but no idea why, especially without a audiogram.
So we set an appointment up for next week. Hes going to do a hearing test, and just go from there. He seemed knowledgeable, and wasn’t trying to sell me a new set, which is surprising, although these are only a year old.
Got my fingers crossed he can figure it out


@jrgreene1968 Here is a link to an article that has an indepth independent review of using Widex Moment hearing aids for listening to music. It may shed some light on the problems you are experiencing.

Regards, Paul

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Thank you Paul. He kinda had the same issue im having as far a a full sound, he even mentioned the am radio sound. Atleast I know im not going crazy :rofl:

A couple of comments from my experience.

I find the Moment 440’s excellent in my vehicle in suppressing noise, so that it feels that I am driving a much more expensive vehicle - so I am not surprised that you are not happy with the overall sound quality in a vehicle. Changing to the music program showed how much noise was being suppressed. Consequently I find it more peaceful to abandon the idea of music while driving.

On streaming, the default setting in the app is for speech and it seems incapable of automatically changing to music. If physically changed to music there is a small improvement.

My ears have been messed with for so long by different (mis-tuned?) hearing aids over the years that I no longer know what sound balance is “correct”. For me, listening to music without hearing aids is going to be inaccurate, although perhaps preferable

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