Widex hearing aids for a guitar player

Looking for someone who is using widex hearing aids with guitar on stage or in the orchestra pit’s opinion of how well they work. I play professionally and need something that works good.

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I really like Widex for their ability to translate music. They are the cleanest of any hearing aids I’ve ever tried and I’ve tried a lot. I have no eyesight so I tend to be very very picky about the way things sound.
A couple of thoughts:
Widex has quite a weird feedback management system. To be honest you’re best not using it in my experience. feedback management does tend to mess up the sound anyway, so for that reason I leave mine off. The thing is though, depending upon what sort of hearing loss you have, you may find you need more of a sealed coupling to your ear. A custom mold for example, to stop feedback from happening.

The other thing with Widex is to experiment with both the pure and universal programs. Pure is the best musically sounding, but does not allow for as many fine adjustements. Universal is good but still has a bit of the comb effect delay on it. Moving further away from the sound source can help with this. You need to play about with the settings when you try with your audiologist.

Hope that helped a bit.

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My audi has essentially made my Signia Ax7 musician program into a Widex pure sound program. He simply turned off a lot of features and adjusted some parameters as well, on that one dedicated program.

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