Widex hearing aids and iOS 15.6.1 problems

Anyone having problems wiht Widex HA’s and using i phone control wiht Ios 15.6.1? I am and having serious problems. Widex tells me that I must wait untill Ios 16.0 comes out. They have no fix for their app for Ios 15.5.1. Folks, we have a problem. My issues are phone battery consumpltion of 5 hours or less with Ha’s sync. And, it you have an Apple watch in sync, the watch will be wihtout all power in less than 3 hours. All due to the Widex app agrivating the Ios 15.6.1 app. Does anyone know when the new 16 will come out. Widex woud not tell me only that all problems will be solved then…not now.
At the price of HA’s today, the ustomer could get some help.
A waarning to all to be aware of the lack of customer support from Widex.

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Ed Barry, thanks for the warning as I use Widex Moment HAs
I checked my iPhone and it is still back on software version 15.1 as I have not bothered checking for any updates (I don’t do much internet activity on my iPhone as the screen is too small for ease of reading)
I will keep the iPhone on this version and ignore the requests to update to 15.6.1

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Sorry to hear you are having some difficulties. I upgraded and haven’t noticed anything myself. Is it worth doing all the usual unpairing and re-pairing again etc?

My Uncle has just got Widex Aids.

No issue with updating iOS.

His are Bluetooth and has an App.

Apple is said to be going to announce the date for IOS16 release at their event on September 7 and the online rumours are that IOS 16 will be actually released about a week later.

Thank you. I’ll folow that.

Thannks for the comment. I did the unpairing and actully removed the Widex pp and associated coding. Reinstalled all and ws back inthe hot seat. I say this since the iphone SE is always warm when this sombination is on. Thi results in 5 hours or less for the iphone and 3 hours or less for the watch when the Widex app is installed

Okay, I know sometimes updates can cause app issues, just worth doing to check. Other consideration would be age of iPhone. I replaced mine earlier in the year as previous was 3 years old and suddenly started draining battery really fast. Now have iPhone 13. Hopefully there will be an apple update soon and that will help clarify what’s happening.

thanks for the guidance.Enjjoy the iPhone 13!

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