Widex Compass GPS download

Hello everyone,
can anyone help me, I’m looking for Widex Compass Gps software to download.

Hello everyone,
Can someone please send me the Widex Compass software?
I currently have the Widex Evoke 440 E4-FS and a prolink as hardware. I would be very grateful for that.

Best regards

Welcome to the forum, sure but you’ll need the Noahlink wireless programming device for the Moment models I believe.

Hi, I am also after a Compass download, please. I have Evoke 440 aids, do I need the Widex Pro-Link - is this correct for programming these hearing aids? Thanks for your help. Mike.

Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available, yes you’ll need the ProLink for the Evoke models.

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Hello, I’m looking for Widex Compass Gps software to download. thk

Welcome to the forum, sure, but you’ll also need the Noahlink wireless programming device for the moment models onwards before that the ProLink.

Hi everyone! I got the Widex SmartRIC and placed an order for the Noahlink Wireless. Could someone help me with the download link for Compass?


I’ve been using Compass GPS for several years now, and was always able to get the latest updates. But now I see that there is a version 4.7 available but my updater says that I’ve got the latest version (4.6)
I suppose that the software has changed more than usual, and I will have to install the new version myself, and will get updates after that (?)
Would anybody be willing to share a link for the new version?
I do not really need to have the latest software at this moment, but it’s always better to be prepared, I think…

Yeah well these updates are country dependant and as you say, you don’t actually need it, so just keep trying every few weeks, it’ll eventually show up.

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Ah, of course… That makes sense. I didn’t think of that.
I just by coincidence saw that there was a new version, but it may very well be that in my country the updates are always later. It is probably just that I never noticed it before.
Thanks for your quick reply.

Hello friend! I ordered the Widex SmartRIC and Noahlink Wireless. How do I get the software for programming? Thank you for the help!

Welcome to the forum, sure great your giving DIY a go, it’s all pretty easy enough, since you already have your Noahlink wireless you’ll be up and running in no time, anything else just ask, plenty of us doing DIY to help you along if needed.

I’ve been using the Compass app for a week now and it’s really nice. It’s locked up a few times on my though and I noticed that it is running as 32-bit. Is there a 64-bit version of the software? Thanks.

Only one variant offered, does it “freeze” and reboot sometimes? I’ve had this with other software but not often.

Yes, but it’s pretty stable for the most part.

Hello, can someone please send me a copy of Compass GPS software?

Hi there, great your giving DIY a go, it’s all pretty easy enough, you’ll need the correct programming device as well, Noahlink wireless for the moment onwards, otherwise the ProLink.

Hello, can you send me the Compass program for programming Widex devices, please?

Hi there, you’ll also need the correct programming device depending on what models your using.