Widex Compass GPS download

Witam, szukam oprogramowania Widex Compass GPS do pobrania

Hello, I’m looking for Widex Compass GPS software to download

Widex Dream.

I have a widex dream hearing aid and a noahilink wireless.

Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available, go ahead and get the Noahlink wireless for your DIY project, the software is pretty easy to use as well.

Welcome to the forum, sure compass is available, but the Noahlink wireless isn’t going to work on those older models, you’ll need the HiPro and cables it’s unlikely ProLink will work on 2014 models?

Hi! I’m glad I foud this community, I’ve been using hearing aids for a long time and recently I bought the widex moment 220, I already have the noah link wireless from my previous HA but I can’t find the GPS compass software anywhere, I’m already used to programming my own HA, how can I get the software? Thanks in advance

Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available, we do have a few members doing DIY on their Widex, compass is pretty easy to use as well.

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Hi there!

I have been using some new widex hearing aids for 3 years now, and I would like to know if there’s any chance that I could try to “fine tune” their programming myself, as even tho the programming is pretty good right now, it’s not perfect and I always use the moment app for a small adjustment for my day to day, even after countless remote assistance with my earing health professional.

What hardware and software do I need? I have a remote link at home.

Welcome to the forum, so you’ll need Widex compass software and for the Moment models a Noahlink wireless programming device, fine-tuning is easy enough and since you’ve got experience with using HAs you’ll know what you like and how you want your HAs to sound.

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I’ve been having a weird problem this last week, since the December 8th. I went to my doctor and technicians 2 times already, and to another doctor (not mine, but works with widex and is closer to me) 3 times already this week. I went to a widex store that’s a 15min drive away from me just for a quick cleaning, they said they tested everything was fine and only changed a filter on my right aid, but since then my left aid wasn’t working properly, i felt everything very muffled. They changed the phone part several times for a new one and didn’t work, I tried changing the programming, etc, nothing worked. This Thursday, the 14th, when I went to the technician the 2nd time he gave me a new aid and I felt it was better, then reverted the programing to the one I had before all of this (I think!) and everything is better now. But I still feel like the sound is just a little bit muffled. If I touch my ear cast for a sec it becomes fine, but after a few secs it goes back to being a bit muffled. Anyone knows what might be happening, so I can help my audiologist change this? (I still haven’t bought the noahlink, so I can’t do anything with the software yet).

I take it you mean ear mold? this could be the problem, more to do with the mold or dome being used, make sure this is checked and correct before doing any programming.

Yes, I meant the ear mold. Sorry, as english is clearly not my primary language :joy:

I don’t think that’s the problem tho. I actually suggested that it could be to both audiologists that I checked with, and they both said it looks fine. It feels more like it could be an issue with the mechanism that muffles some sounds when there’s a lot of noise in the room, but I could be wrong. Can that even be changed with the programming?

It could well be the noise reduction, but of course that would usually be in noisy environments (unless it’s set to the maximum setting, which should not be done in “universal” start up program)and yes it can be adjusted within the software, you need to work with your audiologist to check this, but touching your ear mold doesn’t change in this regard, sudden noise reduction setting as well( I forget what Widex call it )having any of these set too high can cause issues with sound quality.

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I have a Widex Moment Sheer 440 and am ordering a NoahLink. Can I please also get the download for the Compass GPS software? Thanks.

Welcome to the forum, sure it’s available, great you’ve got your Noahlink wireless sorted, if you have any issues/questions just let us know, just post a new topic in DIY forum, there’s plenty of us doing DIY projects to help you along.

has anyone a link to download the Compass GPS Software?

Hi there, sure it’s available, you’ll need the correct programming device for DIY projects, Noahlink wireless for Moment models onwards, older models like Evoke the ProLink.

You have the download link to the Widex compass gps software?

Welcome to the forum, don’t forget you’ll need the correct programming device for any DIY projects.

Thanks a lot for the prompt reply!

I 'm waiting for the access to the file…

I recently purchased a pair of Widex moment 440’s. I understand from the above postings that I need to purchase a Noahlink wireless device and download a copy of the Compass GPS software if I want to “tweak” the setting from my audiologist.

Any suggestions for the best place to purchase the Noahlink (I see them listed on Amazon)? Is there a latest version of this device I need to make sure it’s compatible (I see a wireless 2 version referenced when I do a search)?

Where can I download a copy of the software that I know is “safe” (no maleware)?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Hi, I’m looking for Widex Compass GPS software download. Can someone please send me the link for Widex Compass GPS? Your kindness will be appreciated.