Why am I getting feedback when talking on the phone via bluetooth

I purchased Signia Pure Charge & Go IX RIC hearing aids with custom molds about a month ago.

I notice that whenever I am on the phone using Bluetooth connectivity, I get light feedback. This happens randomly whenever I am speaking, not when the other person speaks.

This only happens when I am on the phone or on a Zoom call using the Zoom app. So basically, whenever I am using the Bluetooth.

No, the phone is not near my ear. I have tried keeping the phone as far from my head as possible. That doesn’t help.

It doesn’t happen when I am not connected to the Bluetooth and just using the environmental mics.

My audiologist doesn’t know the cause. I don’t want to have the mics turned off when I am streaming because I still want to hear the sounds around me.

Does this happen to anyone else?

Nice, I am also trying to decide if I’ll go with Signia.
Mind telling me what receiver do you have and what mold type?


I have an M receiver.

My mold is custom and has a canal lock. It’s hard to mold.

I don’t know why the feedback annoys me. It’s not constant and it’s not a lot. I guess I should suck it up but I figure since I paid so much money ($5700 + $200 for molds), I should try to fix it. I think my audiologist doesn’t know what to do with me. Her only response is “That’s really strange.” When an audiologist can’t figure something out, I get nervous.

like this one?

Do you have sound classes? If so when using media the sound class will change, so it’s in a class that is letting in more of the frequencies liable to cause feedback-whilst creating a better acoustic for media. Not sure if you can override this, it would be a question for technical support.

maybe you try to lower the “mix with mic” value from 70% to something lower?
i never experienced your issue

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I am not familiar with Signia aids.
When you are streaming try going into your phones Signia app.
See if you have something that mentions balance with mics and streaming for volume.
The point is to lower streaming volume to see if the feedback goes away.
Another thing you can try is push the mold into your ears with a finger while streaming. See if the feedback goes away.

Yes, that’s the mold I have

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I have no idea if I have classes. I am not able to see what she did when programming them. I have a visual impairment as well.

you might want to update your audiogram in your profile

Okay, the Widex Moments work by having automatic sound classes ie urban/transport/social. If I am streaming music whilst outside I can sometimes get a bit of feedback. This is because whilst using media on the phone the hearing aid automatically moves into a slightly different acoustic that maximises media experience-but also must mean a little more gain in the area likely to give feedback (I am resting on maximum fitting range of customs).

Okay so I called Signia Customer and the gentleman told me to check my iphone settings when I triple tap to get to the control screen for my hearing aids. Apparently I had Mic Input turned on. Maybe that will help. Does anyone know what Mic Input does?

Ambient sounds, not streaming sound.

I’m guessing that whether or not you have CUSTOM molds the issue is leakage. If the fit isn’t perfect and the GAIN (volume) is too high, you’re gonna get feedback. Now why that seems unique to BT-connected devices, I’m not sure.

Could you swap the custom mold for some other speaker tip (power dome, new mold made) and see if the issue still happens? Or could you try turning your volume down significantly on the AIDS, then try streaming via BT (and if nec turn up the volume on that laptop or cell phone) to see if that helps?

Maybe the issue is your aids + BT device are set to TOO HIGH a volume? Just thinking out of the box here. You have an intriguing issue here, and I hope once it’s resolved you’ll tell us what works!

I have custom molds and so far the problem has seemed to bee solved by turning of mic input on my iphone. I dint’ know it was turned on.

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