Which hearing aids are the least reliable?


What brands of hearing aids are the least perishable, which break down the least, which don’t need to be advertised often?

Although it probably doesn’t matter as manufacturers offer a wide range of hearing aids, but this is about a hearing aid for a person aged 85 with a 50% hearing loss.

I don’t have anywhere to ask this as the retailers praise what they sell, so it’s not reliable.


It all depends on the individual person’s experience you will get the most confusing responses ever.
My experience is simple i have worn Oticon aids for 14 years and haven’t had a hard failure with any of my aids. Aids are high tech nowadays and with high tech comes complications. I am 76 and a tech person that can figure out technical issues. You will hear more complaints from none technical people about their failures. It is all about personal prospective.


Hearing aids need regular cleaning to continue functioning, for some people more than others. How old is this 85 year old? People at that age really range in function. How much support do they have around them? Do they need to be able to manage the devices themselves, or can someone else clean them and put them in? Are there cognitive concerns?


Thank you very much.

I have no experience, which is why I asked the question.
I have heard that Audibel hearing aids often break down.
It’s not about the handling of the hearing aid, but about the quality of the workmanship.
Bernafon are said to be good, but these are dealer opinions.
I would like to get an independent opinion and choose a hearing aid that won’t break down, but also not be too expensive.

Well, here is the opinion of another 85 year old who has been wearing aids for 30+ years. All of the major brands, Signia, ReSound, Opticon and Phonak together with their sister brands are generally reliable but all will have problems from time to time. If you are buying a prescription hearing aid (not an over the counter aid) any of these are good. If you have a Costco near you, all of their brands are premium hearing aids made by the top companies and are priced at a fraction of the cost found elsewhere. In addition they have a six month month return period if you are not satisfied plus a three year warranty and free fittings and adjustments. You just have to spend the $60 a year to be a Costco member.
Edit: Go here to get a copy of the hearing industry map which will answer a lot of questions about hearing aid brands