Where to find Phonak programming software?

I’m trying to find where I can download the Phonak programming software to work with my icube.
thanking you in advance for your help in this matter.

Welcome to the forum, sure but what HAs are you using, and is it iCube or iCube ll you have.

Hi! Also looking for Phonak Target. Using NOAHlink and Phonak Audio P90s.

Welcome to the forum, great your giving DIY a go, it’s all pretty easy enough, but do read the user guides as it’s very helpful for setting up the first time, and great you have the Noahlink wireless programming device as you’ll be up and running in no time.

I also need a link. I replaced my computer, thought I had it on a portable drive but I was (as so often) mistaken.

Hi there, oh yeah a bit of a bummer, but no worries you’ll be up and running in no time.

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Thank You! interesting material.

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