Where can I buy a new Resound Forte 8 RIC?


I have a Resound Forte 8 RIC pair with Forte/Cala MP 2 receiver, purchased from Costco in August 2018. The left device started having problems and Costco no longer services it. I sent it to Affordable Hearing Aid Repairs (not recommended), but they fixed only one of the two reported problems. At this time I do not want to throw out more good money after a lot of bad money for trying to have it repaired.

Can someone help with the following:

  • is it possible to still buy a NEW, replacement hearing aid (same exact model) and if so, where?
  • about how much would be reasonable to expect to pay for it (the pair in 2018 was $2,500 at Costco)?
  • how would I know that the hearing aid is new?

Your help would be appreciated.

I’d forget about repair old stuff like this, Costco do have the Jabra (ReSound) models for $1600, otherwise you could look for a used pair on eBay, but these are locked HAs, has Costco still got the programming software to set them up for you?

Thanks for the quick reply. I was trying to save the device. Even “only” $1,600 is a lot of money for some… Supposedly Costco has the programming software.

I was hoping to find a new one that can be reprogrammed.

Yes sure I understand not everyone can buy new, well if you confirm %100 that Costco can program them, then eBay could be the place to save some $.

How could I validate for something advertised on eBay that if it states NEW, it is new? If they are locked, I assume they cannot be reprogrammed. I that the case? Thanks.

Does the Forte 8 also come in a disposable battery model? If only rechargeables, you are likely to find only stuff with age-degraded batteries depending on when ReSound last stopped making them.

I doubt you’ll find any “new” ones as these are so old now, it’s not the HAs that are locked as such, it’s the Aventa software, only Costco’s version can do it, I’ll be straight with you, you’d be better off getting a used pair of ReSound Verso or Linx2 as DIY projects, very easy to do, but you’d need to buy the Noahlink wireless programming device as well ($165)

The version I have uses disposable batteries. I will look into the suggested approach to see if that’s something I could maybe use. Thanks.

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