When will Phonak hearing aids offer fall detection?

Phonak Naida Paradise rechargeable hearing aids have motion senor hearing but not fall detection and Naida Paradise UP does not not. Can anyone tell me when Phonak will be adding motion senor to their ha. Some hearing aids have the motion senor with fall detection that will notify up to three people if you fall. That would really be a nice feature for people living alone instead of counting the number of steps you take. I understand some watches will be coming out with fall detection this fall.

Any professional here that might know would likely be under a non-disclosure agreement that could jeopardize their business if they told us.

I am hoping some of the members might know.

The vendors are very tight lipped about future plans unless they involve bug fixes.

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Well there are other devices that provide this feature already so I’m not sure this is a top priority for hearing aid manufacturers. But what do I know. Maybe it will be some day. But I would think a simple phone call to phonak would let you know if this is a feature that’s even being considered. It’s not like it’s top secret

We forum members here have a secret spy, who sometimes tells us some good information from Phonak. I hope he gives us new information soon, we haven’t seen him here for a long time.

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