When new hearing aid comes out does that cannibalize older models?

Just curious what others think when HA manufacturers comes out with new aid and how that impacts previous aids. Like when a new aid comes how soon is the previous aid model discontinued?

With careful care and re-service at end of aid warranty a HA should last 5 to 7 plus years. But starting to wonder with new aid roll outs, if HA suppliers will support older aids or even service them after “X” amount of years. Phonak service warranty covers aids for three years but after that I believe you on your own if HA stops working. Or pay through the nose for repair service out of warranty.

Improving HA performance is really important but then again how many users of aids have felt “burned” when buying a new expensive aid, to shortly find out thereafter a new model just came out, making your last year aid seem like “yesterdays news”.

But this is the same with any tech product these days, there is a constant flow of new technology and perceived obsolescence as the old version is superseded.

TVs, mobile phones, laptops, running shoes.

The old stuff generally still works. I’ve got a 2015 MacBook I still use and our Volvo is 14 years old. The Volvo does not have radar cruise control or automatic lane keeping, but still gets us from A-B.

Obsolescence, the roll out of new features and the desire of people to pay for those features is what keeps the companies in business, otherwise we would still be riding horses and using ear trumpets.

Swings and roundabouts.

As a consumer we can choose not to buy, fund, the latest new technology.

We can also do as the EU does and force manufacturers to provide a minimum support lifespan for products. https://data.consilium.europa.eu/doc/document/ST-7767-2023-INIT/en/pdf


I had this happen with the first aids I bought but the trial period was not over and I swapped them for the newer model which then had problems with microphone noise so then I ended up switching to the Phonak aids(Audeo V90s) I still have now. Just hoping their latest offering will come out in disposable battery version. If so I may end up upgrading finally. I would really like to have streaming direct to my aids like my first trial pair had. I will be very unhappy if disposable battery versions become an afterthought released just before the next new model/version.