When Is the Phonak NAIDA Lumity Coming?

Pretty much my question: when is the Phonak NAIDA Lumity coming? Usually, they are introduced in February. Where is the Lumity version? As of now, the latest model of Phonak’s NAIDA is still the Paradise, a generation behind everybody else.

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Yeah @codergeek2015… Waiting patiently myself for the next iteration of Naida Lumity or whatever… Phonak have been fairly consistent, so I am assuming they will be along anytime soon, I don’t think the Lumity disposable battery version is out yet? The Naida usually appears shortly after the disposables, so it should be imminent? Cheers Kev :wink:


Hopefully it will JUST be NAIDA disposables, considering they don’t sell enough of them to make rechargeables viable. I need my hearing aids to live, so rechargeables are out.


I am with you on that @codergeek2015 :grin: As far as I am concerned, most, but not all rechargeable aids, in their present form, aren’t fit for purpose… Glorified BETA testing more like! But that’s my opinion, and many folks love their rechargeable aids, as it should be… But, with Ultra Powered aids, as yet, they don’t seem to have developed a rechargeable version for the 675 battery, no doubt that will change at some point in the foreseeable future, something like a 40 hour run time would be helpful, and easy access to swop out a Kaput rechargeable battery would also help my transition to Li-on aids? In the meantime, I have enough good sets of aids, to wait out the appearance of a new Naida… Here’s hoping it’s sometime this year, if not, I shall carry on regardless… Cheers Kev :wink:

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I suspect not sometime this year.

The lumity will be all rechargeable. This doesn’t mean that they won’t be releasing new UP trad battery devices in the medium-horizon future, just that it will be under a different name. (The Glorious? The Brightening? The Utopia? The Lucky Number One?) I expect it’s going to be their rechargeable custom that is realeased in the spring/summer–no word in Canada yet, but I think I’ve seen mention of teasers for it in USA/UK. There is certainly demand for a rechargeable power hearing aid, particulary in the pediatric population, but they’ve been unable to do it in the past because of power consumption demands and probably also because it’s always an extra challenge fitting things in while also managing stable gain/internal feedback issues in these devices. I would guess that perhaps instead they will release some lumity rechageable sky and bolero devices (M and P) in the fall. But who knows, maybe solving that SP/UP rechargeable problem is going to be their next big accomplishment and we will see a Naida Lumity.

UP BTE users always have to wait these days, unfortunately; they typically get last release after RICs, Customs, and even lower power BTEs. Mind you, it is not always the case that all features are behind. If I recall correctly, sound recover 2 was released first in the Naida Ventures even though all the other Venture styles didn’t have it, and then it was rolled out to the other styles in the Belong line. I think the digital contrast targets came out first in the Naidas as well. So it is possible for UP BTE users to get some new features before anyone else.


Yeah @Neville, we are most certainly a niche market, well those of us whom are in the severe/profound threshold, we are probably around 2% of the market share, so financially, we are not a sales priority, even if we have understandably, perhaps the biggest overall hearing loss/challenge? They will always cater for their bread & butter clientele first, after all is said and done, that’s where the money is… Having said all that, I don’t envisage any jaw dropping new innovations in the hearing aid market, they appear to be tweaking what they have already? Perhaps, LE Bluetooth is Phonaks next big thing on the horizon? Rechargeable aids, that makes me wonder though, Phonak/Sonova alongside Oticon are the 2 major manufacturers for the NHS hearing aids, one of the largest dispensaries worldwide, for many reasons, they don’t do rechargeable aids, except for the odd, out of catalog order… So, to my way of thinking, unless they are planning to abandon NHS hearing aid sales, then disposable battery aids, are here to stay for the foreseeable future? As always, YMMV… Cheers Kev :wink:

No, as far as I know they will not dump traditional batteries. They just won’t get an update in this line. 2024, perhaps, which isn’t really so far away.

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When phonak came out with the marvel they didn’t put out a naida up, only a super power. Almost a year later they introduced a naida paradise up. In other words they never put out a marvel naidas up. If that’s a pattern it may be a while before they release a lumity naida up if at all.

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I hear you @Neville, perhaps not loud & clear though :upside_down_face: I am not in a hurry TBH, 2024 suits me fine, if a new Naida comes out prior to this, I will still get it, I have budgeted it into my finances, so I am good to go whenever it appears? Yeah, Phonak has their own NHS website, in all truth, I can’t see them abandoning their disposable battery aids, perhaps they may want too, but at present, I don’t think it’s an option? The NHS, I would imagine, would be very reluctant to go down a rechargeable path, due most likely to longevity issues, and low maintenance costs, rechargeable aids might reek havoc with their very fine timescales of allotted appointments to their hundreds of thousands of clients, according to research in 2020, that year alone, the NHS issued 355,000 adults, and first time hearing aid users, that’s a lot of hearing aids, so their time is very finite, and it gives you some idea of the scale of their operation… Any major maintenance issues with rechargeable aids, or indeed their chargers would throw a severe spanner into the works! You are correct @hass5744, they didn’t do a Naida Marvel UP, but they did release the Naida Marvel SP around 2020, I have a set courtesy of the NHS, they are Naida M70 SP’s, they are indeed excellent aids… Cheers Kev :wink:

That’s exactly what I said. But when ultra power is needed and only super power is available, the sp are a compromise at best.

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Yeah @hass5744, agreed, and I have both, Naida Marvel 70 SP’s & Naida Paradise 90 UP’s, of the 2 sets of aids, for some inexplicable reason, I regard the Marvel SP as the more powerful aids, perhaps I should turn them down slightly? TBH, I haven’t worn the SP’s or indeed the UP’s, for about 4 months now, I have been wearing my Marvel 90 RIC’s, with 105db custom acrylic moulds, they are ultra comfortable, I reverted back to the RIC’s because a new set of BTE moulds where reeking havoc with my ears, I got the BTE moulds/molds a year ago, but I never used them, so I couldn’t take them back, I couldn’t sand them down either, as they have hypoallergenic coating, and I am allergic to silicon… I will sort it out in due course, but at present, I am doing okay with the RIC’s… Cheers Kev :wink:


I think we might be getting a little bit off track here. But everyone is different so it doesn’t surprise me that someone prefers a different aid or model. I only speak for myself.

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NHS are already offering rechargeable batteries.

Only come across rechargeable in Phonak tho and not Oticon or Resound.


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I am aware of that Ruth, vast majority are disposable batteries though… And rightly so :slight_smile:


Reliability/longevity are very important.


In case anyone in the thread is still waiting. It launched: