What was the most surprising sounds with hearing aids?

I discovered that when I pee it makes a lot of noise; also when crumpling or tearing a paper is scandalous. What’s more: when washing the dishes, the noise can be uncomfortable for people who hear well (and annoying to the neighbors). The most surprising thing was with the little birds in the park, I heard them, however when I started using hearing aids I discovered that they really are very noisy.


Actually pulled over twice before I figured it out.


I agree with others here about the bathroom and about paper. The sound that shocked and scared me, though, happened when I was walking past trees that must have been full of birds, near a marshy area. I felt like I was living Alfred Hitchcock’s movie “The Birds.” The flocks sounded like they were sitting on my head screaming every time I walked from the car to the clinic to run samples. I learned to turn my HAs off before I left the car and turn them on again in the clinic. I just was not used to so much bird noise. Now I am more acclimated and I like a little bit of the frequency-shifted bird song I hear. I especially like robins, because they vocalize with low pitched squawks or grunt-like sounds that I find funny to hear.


2013 Oticons - first pair - simple running water
2019 Phonak Marvel - a return of richness & depth to music

The most annoying I found was keyboard - I’m an IT Pro; drove me a bit batty - had to get the Audi to tone it down a bit until I got a quiet keyboard. To a lesser degree paper sliding/shuffling when browsing through papers looking for something.


I found out my dishwasher made beeping noises when i hit the buttons. Had to call my hubby (who was at work) to make sure I did’t break it​:rofl: Last time i had heard something from starting the dishwasher was when we had the turn knob. Here i had thought the buttons were so quiet when compared to the knob kind​:rofl::rofl::rofl:


Same for me, footsteps were too loud, had to turn aids volume down.

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The first time I scanned my badge at work and the badge reader BEAPED!!! I’d never heard it before.


Raincoats, dog toenails clicking on hardwood floors, birds, keyboards, all kinds of digital beeping (alarm clocks, microwaves, etc.) I didn’t know the world was just so noisy!


I’ve never heard Robin’s grunt like sounds. I hope I do some day.


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I think I hear them because there are large numbers on the ground where I live. Maybe they are grunting to establish territories full of worms. I can’t localize birds in trees and I can’t hear most birds. But when I’m only a few feet from robins in the grass I can hear them sometimes. Maybe that’s the way to listen to them.


Still acclimating to my Phonak Lumity 90s, but I am shocked at how much more music there is on songs I’ve known for months, years, and decades. Male voices singing backup and thumping bass lines are a new and pleasant wonder. (I have cookie-bite loss with difficulty in male voice range, etc.) Almost every song I listen to seems richer. Technology for the win!


Wonderful timeline, Bluejay! Thanks!


Taking a leak into the toilet. :stuck_out_tongue::smiley::joy:


I was shocked to discover there were crickets in my neighborhood, which really amused by husband and kids. I had no idea I couldn’t hear crickets.

The thing I found most annoying was turning pages. ESPECIALLY people seated behind me flipping pages in the bible at church. I still hate the sound of rustling paper with my hearing aids, but at least in church these days more people are using their phones, plus we now sit in the back row of the balcony where there is no one behind me.


For me it’s the clicking of keys on the computer keyboard. Quite annoying really - particularly the spacebar - so much so that I’m prompted to mute my aids.


My voice.
Given that I’m a life long instrumental musician, I always thought I was a terrible singer and near tone deaf (which doesn’t make sense but you make up stuff to explain things…). Everyone else says my singing is fine. Just realized I hear my voice extremely differently and with hearing aid, I can hear/match pitch when I sing. I wonder if my speech pitch will change.


It sure might change.
I know mine did after getting CI. Family and friends told me I slurred words for a long time until I got CI’s.


Sitting outside just listening to the animal/insect life that was in the park. I heard the annoying buzz of mosquitoes! The one sound I could definitely live without,


Me too. Makes a difference.


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Dryer end of cycle buzzer and microwave finished beeper.

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