What is an active vent receiver for phonak and why is it needed

I see reference to an active vent receiver. What is it and how do I know if I need it?
I have an android phone and I don’t see any reference the the sphere mode on my phonak app. I have been making adjustments and will see audiologist Wed. But a little confused about settings. Do I go back to audiolgist with New settings for each environment? First adjustment 2 weeks ago was “muddy”.

An active vent provides the natural sounds of an open dome in quiet and less noisy environments but blocks out background noise in in more challenging environments. It is automatically controlled by AutoSense on current Phonak hearing aids.

Active vent is a custom tip on the receiver, selected by your audiologist. It is not standard on all Phonak hearing aids.

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Try searching the forum for ActiveVent or possibly AOV and you will find a wealth of info on the subject.

Good Luck


Technically it is a small valve in the receiver that can open or close a vent port effectively switching between a open and closed dome depending on the need.