I just got a pair of the Nexia HAs (NX960S-DRWC), and I keep reading that one of the only differences between these and the Jabra Pro Enhance 20’s is the tinnitus management feature. But I can find no information on what this actually is.
It’s gotta be more than the “Resound Relief” app I can download from the Play Store, as that is usable standalone, and doesn’t even require HAs, let alone Nexia HAs…
That app, fwiw, doesn’t really help me at all. I have very loud, constant tonal tinnitus, and I have yet to find any white noise/environmental sound that really helps (unless it’s so loud as to be worse than the tone…)
And although I am not expecting a miracle, I was told that these HAs had some technology that might help, even just a little. And when I went for my joke of a “fitting”, even though I explicitly told him that the tinnitus mgmt was the main feature I wanted to explore, I don’t even think he enabled the damn feature!!!
As I peruse this forum, and (hopefully) discover additional methods of tinnitus management that I might be able to try, I would still like to know specifically about this feature. TIA.