What does 60 vs 80 vs 100 vs 105 fitting mean?

Take a look at the fitting ranges for the different power receivers. You should be aware of (or looking for) a fitting range that will fit your specific hearing loss.

Speaking of hearing loss;
Many Hearing Tracker members now have their audiogram numbers graphically depicted in a colored chart that can easily be made available for viewing with just one click on their avatar.

When you are reading a topic/thread (like this one) you may notice that some avatars have a little “avatar flair”/headphone icon at the lower right of the avatar. That indicates that they have entered their audiogram for other members to view. Click one of those avatars now to see what your audiogram will look like after you enter it.

For help with entering your own audiogram find a link to the instructions at Tip#2 in Hearing Tracker Tips.

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