What do these specs mean?

Can someone please decipher these numbers or point me to a site I can learn what they mean?
M/S Receiver? Coupler? Simulator?
All the numbers?

Receivers are the speakers - in this case the bits with the domes covering them at the end of the wires. S is the standard power version and M is medium. Hearing aids are tested with a test box to get standard ( 2 cubic cm coupler ) comparable outputs. They can also be tested with a simulated ear. They are for comparisons between aids and brands and do not equal what will happen in your ear. That is what real ear measurements are for.

dB SPL is decibels of sound pressure level. The frequency range is the frequency that the aid is capable of reproducing eg. 100 Hz to 10 K Hz. Gain is the amount of extra sound pressure that can be added to the input sound.

The equivalent input noise is the amount of noise produced by the aid itself when it is on and working. This is mostly made up of microphone noise but can also come from the processor etc. It is generally loudest when dual microphone or “directional” mode is activated. It may or may not be heard by the wearer depending on the persons remaining hearing in the relevant frequencies.

Hope that helps you follow the spec sheets. Unfortunately it will not help you decide if the aids are the going to sound the best for you. Only if they fit your general needs. You need to trial aids to know if they are then right for you.

Yes, it helps thank you.

because I have a visual, practical mind and understand things when I can see, touch and feel them, the techie, digital language leaves me behind. An old porous brain doesn’t help either.

Two good examples;
BTE and a RIC are both "behind the ear."
Why is a tiny little doodad, that “transmits” sounds inside my ear, called a “receiver?”

RICs are more often “on top of the ear” It “receives” the sound from the hearing aid?

Exactly my point, I think. A verbal visual disconnect. Just saying…
So which of these is not behind the ear?

I would say the second one is a RIC, and to me sits more on top of the ear, although it seems like it might be somewhat larger than many of the RICs. Definiing characteristic however is where the receiver (speaker) is. BTE it’s in the hearing aid. RIC it’s in the ear canal.

You are talking about the computer unit and saying both are BTE. The industry is talking about the receiver (speaker) location. The RIC is in the canal. The BTE has its speaker behind the ear.

They didn’t want people to visualize a speaker in their ears so they called it a receiver. It’s all marketing speak, together with taking a lesson from lawyers; If they can’t dazzle you with their brilliance, then they baffle you with their BS.

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You make too much sense.

A gent, after several years of goading by his family, heads off to Costco to hear; “this is behind the ear, that is not” and “this is a receiver, but it really isn’t.”

I always though I had a hearing aid behind my ear and so did everyone who saw it. It took me years to learn what “behind the ear” really meant. Or didn’t. Now I know, so can make it clear to everyone; I have a hearing aid behind my ear but it is NOT a behind the ear hearing aid.

Actually one is behind the ear and the other is behind the ear with receiver in ear often shortened to just RIC. The word receiver comes from old telephony language. You pick up the receiver to answer a phone and put the receiver to your ear.

Er, wouldn’t that be shortened to RIE, because Larry Fitzgerald could be shortened to RIC. Hahahaha; I’m just funning about the silly HA terminology.


I had to google that one - don’t know the names of many Australian football players let alone American😄

Well Larry Fitzgerald plays the position of Wide Receiver in American football and here he’s being tourist at the Miraflores Locks on the Panama canal. So for short you could say Receiver In Canal/RIC :clown_face: