What do fitting reports mean

Was wondering what all of this in the fitting reports mean? I tried looking in the diy category and in the phonak target guides but found it very confusing
Automatic programs.pdf (1.9 MB)

Isn’t that a report output from Phonak’s Target software?

It’s the fitting report given to me by audiologist

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So that’s exactly what it is, it’s a bit meaningless for the client, the information is only really any good for the audiologist, actually they don’t usually print out the full report unless the client asks for it, there’s one they print out just for the client that has the technical aspects removed.

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I had some settings changed which is why they gave it to me, is the lines on the charts just to show the amplification levels? I have been having a harder time with hearing soft low pitched sounds recently. I’ve about 2 years overdo for a hearing test and I find myself incredibly the volume especially with softer and lower pitch sounds

Yes it’s just to show what degree of gain has been set for each programs including the level of each feature, the soft G50, medium G65, loud G80, so if you know it’s low G50 in the higher frequencies then you can ask for that to be adjusted there, you’ll probably need that in the “calm” program to begin with, get that right and the others can also be changed, work with your fitter to achieve this, sometimes it takes a few adjustments to get things set how you like


Thanks! I’ll bring it up to them at my next appointment as I probably should get a new hearing test done as well

Audiologist usually do not print out that kind of reports to their client. In Target the audiologist can amplify soft low sounds.

I worked calmly with my dispensing audi who had trouble setting up my Paradise P90Rs for over 2 years. I wanted to know how he had set up my HA’s.
He never provided this report.

I have seen two…provided by the gentleman I chose to switch to.

  • Target User Report
  • Target Pro Report

I was delighted when my new hearing instrument specialist provided them. As soon as I switched, his adjusted Quick Fit helped me hear better. Now that I’ve worked with him a while I’m hearing better with better hearing a goal.

The dispensing audi was a gentleman. I thought my Phonak hearing aids were awful. They weren’t. They were poorly set up. If I had these reports it would have helped me determine what was missing in my setup.

My issues were:

  • left hearing aid did not communicate with my right hearing aid
  • wrong domes were specified.
  • and, either my hearing is much worse 6 months later, or, my new hearing tests are better.