What are my word recognition scores on this hearing test?

Just got a new hearing test and was going to enter it into the Audiogram feature here, but realized that I don’t understand the format of my word recognition results in the new report:

What % and level numbers should I enter?

The SII is a quantification of the proportion of speech information that is both audible and usable for a listener. It is a percentage (between 0% to 100%), and is correlated to the intelligibility of speech. For instance, for understanding words in sentences, an SII score of 25% would predict that about half of the speech for that level will be intelligible for the patient. For an SII score of 80%, we would predict that most of the speech will be intelligible. The prediction will vary depending on the speech signal of interest.

Speech Intelligibility Index (SII) and Percentile Analysis: Must-Have Tools in Your Fitting Software.

The SII values on your audiogram are 14% and 23%.

There are also four word list values provided (two per ear) with 100% scores.

For myself, I’d consider that 100%. But this is also a mystery to me.

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WRS is word understanding scores.
Yours is 100% with both ears at 85 DB, decibels.


I think I’ll just not enter the WRS score in my profile audiogram here. I think the noise level was down and the volume up on this test as compared with previous ones over the years.