Vuzix Z100 Smart Glasses (new)

Looks really impressive from a “glass frame” standpoint. Just like normal glasses and they just hit the market for around $500 I believe. Question though to anyone out there following AR glasses/Smart glasses.

For some of us looking for live English text captioning glasses is it better to have software already built into glasses that handle translation load, versus a iPhone or android phone that uses an app for translation feature. Case in point Xander glasses have software build into glasses that handle live translation so you don’t need to have your phone near by. There’s no app to download need because there is no bluetooth connection. It appears Xander glasses do everything on their own. And that’s cool and certainly user friendly but just wondering how stand alone translation glasses perform versus say Vuzix Z100 smart glasses which must “via app” be connected to a nearby cell phone. Thus for Vuzix glasses to work I believe your phone has to be nearby, has to be charged and then bluetooth connected to glasses. Ok I could handle that but just wondering which technology provides the better text captioning function in “real time”. Do stand alone glasses like Xander have a full range of English translation or do glasses that connect to cell phone for “heavy translation load”, provide a wider range of English translation? Also anyone know if there’s more time lag (for lens text display) with bluetooth phone connection versus stand along smart glasses?

Just trying to figure out which is the better connection/display format for live verbal text display. Maybe too early to tell and as we know software technolgy changes rapidly. Assuming down the road though glasses will carry the full load and you won’t be dependent on phone hook up.


How good are these glasses compared to HA’s? How much time lag between speech and text? How well does high speed speech work? Does speech even work at all? Etc.

Curious why you’re comparing smart glasses with HA’s. Smart glasses with live text display are not made to replace hearing aids. They’re made to work with HA’s, assist those who are deaf or those who can’t use a HA. With right glasses very little time delay, but it varies from each manufacturer. Wait for CES convention in January and then get ready to RUMBLE.